03 January 2007

the end is nigh...

today i found out for (almost) certain that my role on the project that i have been working on for almost a year and a half will be over. 17 months almost to the day. originally it was supposed to be right under 12 months.

those 5 extra months have been killer and are one of the huge reasons i am so excited/ready to leave. these last 4-5 months have been stressful and boring at the same time. working weird hours and doing route tasks for so long have an overwhelmingly draining effect. even though i've worked almost no overtime in this last phase, i still am 10x more drained now than i was when we were routinely working 12 hour days 8 months ago. funny how that works.

anyways, now i'm looking for something new which could or could not drastically change my living situation, my travel abilities, my overall happiness... right now its all opportunity for greatness and abyssmal failure... hopefully i can have something figured out by the end of this week. and definitely by the end of next...

i dont like having open holes in my life plan. i need to know what's next so i dont freak out or stress more than neccessary. so yeah... next few days will require some action. dang it. i much prefer days of inaction and laziness... ha. right. ok.

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