30 September 2012

it's been a while

another year or two since i've posted here. i meant to keep some of my longer winded ramblings over here instead of on my tumblr, but having my thoughts all in one place has just been easier for the past few years. but i think i have more thoughts in my head so i might be back here more often once again. an update: i switched jobs after working at one place for the first seven years of my grown up life. i now kind of sort of work for the same guy i worked for for six of the previous seven years. new location. new coworkers. shorter commute. similar work. feel a little better about it. got legally, civilly united with my main squeeze, henceforth referred to as Smoggy, back in june of this year. in two weeks we will have our big catholic ceremony in a big church surrounded by 70 members of my family and about 15 of his. i feel bad because i know he is sad about the 'smallness' of his side of the wedding, but also constantly amazed by his willingness to 'let me have it my way' and satisfy my family - who is larger and definitely more in control of the big to-do. we also got a cat. about 6 months ago. i never had one growing up and have always considered myself a canine lover to the max, but wouldn't you know it? i am now truly, madly, deeply in love with this little grey panther who tolerates my kisses and squeezes most of the time. his name is max.