26 June 2007

these times, they are a changing

i'm moving back to texas. woohoo! 6 years later...

i've asked for an office transfer. to austin, texas. in september.

wow. should be fun.

really gotta make the most of my last few months up here. operation rock boston will start today!

25 June 2007

im a loser. the end.

"ughh.... i wanna get marrieddddddd!"

my roomate and i in unison while watching the opening scene in "you, me and dupree". we are such losers. this might be related to the fact that we went to the draft at 530 to get a late lunch special of $3 burgers and $9 pitchers.

so sad.

but woohoo! its summer.

the end.

22 June 2007

i said no, no, no.

a bar i was at last night played amy winehouse's entire "back to
black" from start to finish. we left the second time rehab started
playing. i love that song. i loved that bar not only for their
martinis, but for their music choice. very wise. great lounge music.

so today i've spent a lot of time listening to amy again. ellen thinks
i'm crazy. i know. sometimes i get into things and listen to them far
more than any normal person could stand. good thing i have headphones.

posi thoughts for june

2 weeks ago i was feeling pretty poopy. here i am, just a few days
later and feeling much better. there are a lot of positives floating
around. here are some of my little highlights.

+ ACLfest schedule was announced. i now have 3 months to plan out my
show-hopping, hour by hour.
+ i bought cute shoes on super sale. not only do i like them, but
other people do too!
+ i've made a decision regarding my life come september. now i just
have to tell people.
+ someone put up cups in the fence along cambridge st to read 'you are
beautiful.' it totally made my morning yesterday.
+ going "out" in providence made me realize it maybe wasn't so lame a town.
+ it's really, officially summer. and it's actually pretty out in
boston (for now).
+ i managed to convince myself there is a silver lining to the fact
that i have to work on my birthday-eve, which is a saturday.
+ my mom and bro's visit was really great and helped cement decision
for september.
+ i'm getting over the angst of turning 24. very important since that
age is quickly approaching.

+ i'm trying to do a mini-earth-lent project for a week or two. kinda
like easter lent in that you give something up. but instead of for
your faith it's for the earth. i've given up disposable drinking
containers. obviously it's not a big sacrifice, but in one day i can
go through 3 or 4 paper cups between breakfast, lunch, and tea breaks.
and if i do buy a drink out that involves a plastic or glass or metal
bottle. so no more disposable containers for a while. not so bad at
lunchtime- i always have my water bottle with me, but i do really wish
i'd brought a cup for tea, the a/c is on full blast today and it'd
help to warm up...

focusing on the posi parts of life. it's sunny out and my ankle's not
broken, how can i not be happier?

20 June 2007

i'm a baby and i like my mommy

i've been alone for the last two nights. my mommy and baby bro were up for about a week visiting me. it was a slumber party every night. then they left on monday.

when most people talk about their mothers coming to town it's usually accompanied by a grimace or a groan. not me. i love my mommy. she's great and fun and helpful, even her craziness is part of her charm. i was excited to have her visiting. and i enjoyed the time she was here.

same with my bro. he's pretty much one of my most favorite people on the planet and i don't even know why. i usually call him 'baby' instead of his name. this has to do with my attachment to the kid. he's like my baby that i always try to mold and direct. it's even better when he listens. having him hanging around, even if it's just to complain, is still great. baby.

we didn't do much activity-wise while they were here. went to some dinners, arts festival in coolidge corner, shopping on newbury. my favorite part of their visit was just the part where we hung out in my room watching tv and telling jokes.

i love my family.

which brings me to my next thought which is somewhat tangentially related.

today at work my boss brought up the fortune magazine article he read about generation y. he talked about how gen y-ers were needy and overly confident. we tried to prove that gen y was better than gen x. then, the convo ended with my boss telling me that when he read the article he said it described me to a T. needy and overconfident- was he insulting me? should i be offended? he said no...


then i read the article. it says other things about gen y-ers besides being needy. the article mentioned the importance of parents in our lives- true. talked about the gen y's generally high expectations in the workplace- yep. "self-absorbed, gregarious, multitasking, loud, optimistic, pierced" i'm not all that, but yeah, some of it for sure.

i'm less offended now. i can accept that. i can agree that i do fit into this stereotype quite a bit. it's true. it's partly how i was raised- my parents, society and the environment. i think another part of the current stereotype is due to my age- i'll admit that i'm immature, ignorant and naive in some ways. it would be ridiculous to say i'm a true adult. i still depend on my parents for advice. and some times i'm probably overly naive in my optimistic view of mankind and various individuals. hopefully these things will pass with time and experience. i can't be a baby forever.

that's my brother's job.

p.s. the spurs won the championship in a 4 game sweep of the cavs. i'm so glad that my mom and disinterested brother were here to watch the game with me. having 2.5 spurs fans in boston was super exciting compared to previous games where it was me yelling at the tv and clapping alone in my bedroom. wooooo!! spurs '07. duncan dynasty fo sho.

10 June 2007

the poop continues to flow

casey reyes-jimenez

one more time i've hated myself for being thousands of miles from home.

my dog was put to sleep today. my mom called me yesterday afternoon to say he was acting weird and sloppy yesterday and at the vet today they said it was cancer. it would have been lots of pain and lots of money to even try to help him through this. and it might not have even helped.

so today i told my mom to go ahead and let him go while standing on the street trying not to cry in the middle of coolidge corner. i was laying in my bed face down when she called crying to say she, daddy and baby had all said goodbye to my casey. i was on the steps of st.ignatius when i asked my mom to bury him in the backyard by my bedroom window.

i feel horrible. most of casey's life i was living in dallas or boston. when i was home in san antonio i never spent enough time with my ornery, fluffy, little puppy. last month while i was in town my mom mentioned he was acting weird but he had seemed fine when i played with him so i didn't take him to the vet. i don't know, but it might have helped.

i hate being so far away.

08 June 2007

icky poop

today's been a poopy day.

first this morning, i was almost in a car accident. people braking too quickly and not quick enough.

then i went to lunch at a seafood place and ate lots of clam strips and fries. 10 minutes later i felt like puking.

got home to work kinda early so rach and i decided to go play basketball at the park. and by "play" i mean have shooting practice. anyways. while i was bending over to pick up the ball once, i stepped on a curb and totally twisted my ankle. sprained it. hopefully no fractures or anything. dunno. it hurts.

dang it.

so poopy.

kel's almost to my house so maybe tonight/this weekend will get better. hopefully. ugh.

(yay spurs!)

07 June 2007

its the finals

i love my spurs.

went to dinner at white horse. the pre-game show started while i was there. abc was doing a profile of tim duncan and had a video of him just sitting there. a guy at the next table wondered aloud, 'i wonder what duncan looks like when he's excited..." his friend answered, "that is duncan excited."

yeah. i love him. i love them. also, i love when the camera pans over to david robinson. cos i LOVE david. so much. since i was like 10. i remember being in 5th grade and declaring my love for david robinson.

spurs pride runs deep. it's times like these that i really wish i was home in san antonio. besides my family there's just that city pride that i miss during times like these (aka spurs in the finals). boston during basketball season sux mostly. people here only care about sox. and bruins and pats. no bball love. all they know is larry bird. lame. east coast poopers.

girly note: cavs player pavlovic is hot. and made a hot basket. thats nice. still...

go spurs go. forreal. i originally said spurs take the series 4-2, but i'd rather 4-0 at this point. safer.

also i like how they keep mentioning how the spurs are the winningest sports franchise in the last decade. oh yeah. still no respect. lame-o.

06 June 2007


today is my mommy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! XOXOXOXOX!!!

she's one year older, wiser and more experienced. she's always got too many more years on me. dang it. mommy's are like that. older/wiser.

i'm sad i'm not with her this year. unfortch. however, she is coming to visit me very very soon. YAY. baby's coming too. he's cute.

momma's birthday today. roomie's birthday on monday. mine is coming up in less than a month. that just hit me today. birthdays = passage of time.

turning 24. which means 25 is a blink away. 24 is so old. (in my teenie kid mind) and 25! that's adult age! where did that come from? so soon?!?! i'm such a baby in so many ways, how can i have accumulated all those years? where'd they go?

*quarter life crisis will now commence*

No Impact Man: Why I make environmental action personal…

“Public opinion polls show a significant increase in the number of Americans who support strong climate action. Deeper digging shows this support is superficial, too thin to drive the rapid sociopolitical change now required…”polar bears make everyone want to be more eco-friendly...

read more | digg story

05 June 2007

the debates

watching the republican debates on cnn. they were talking about the bilingual question. i was about to throw something at the television it was making me so mad. we do NOT need to be an english only country. period. muchas gracias.

mccain saved it. i know these are politicians trying to sell themselves to voters. still. after my upset at the other guys, it was marginally better.

blabbers. talkers. politicians.

what does it take to be an american? answer - "cut ties with your past..." are you f-ing kidding me? that is stupid. if everyone who is 'american' cut their ties from the heritage country we'd all be celebrating native american traditions and that's it. ha! like that would've ever happened. no. how many of these white republican candidates regularly celebrate their scottish, english, irish roots? what bad americans. yes. listening to the party line on the 'immigration' issue is so upsetting.

sidenote: mitt romney is a tool. invoking the 'greatness' of reagan from his way too orange-tan face and his gelled hair bobbing around. that whole romney memo about his hair looking 'too nice' to convince voters- yeah, they were right. he looks like a ken doll fo' sho! and he REALLY loves reagan. i feel like mitt read reagan's bio last night and wants to recite all the fun facts he just learned!

should've watched the dem debates. could've ragged on them too. :)


international superstar

it's only 10:30 am and i've already spoken with people in 5 continents
and 8 countries: australia, india, ireland, uk, us, brazil, argentina,

that makes my job kind of cool... sort of. if only i could travel to
allllll of those places. that'd be actually cool.