06 June 2007


today is my mommy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! XOXOXOXOX!!!

she's one year older, wiser and more experienced. she's always got too many more years on me. dang it. mommy's are like that. older/wiser.

i'm sad i'm not with her this year. unfortch. however, she is coming to visit me very very soon. YAY. baby's coming too. he's cute.

momma's birthday today. roomie's birthday on monday. mine is coming up in less than a month. that just hit me today. birthdays = passage of time.

turning 24. which means 25 is a blink away. 24 is so old. (in my teenie kid mind) and 25! that's adult age! where did that come from? so soon?!?! i'm such a baby in so many ways, how can i have accumulated all those years? where'd they go?

*quarter life crisis will now commence*

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