07 June 2007

its the finals

i love my spurs.

went to dinner at white horse. the pre-game show started while i was there. abc was doing a profile of tim duncan and had a video of him just sitting there. a guy at the next table wondered aloud, 'i wonder what duncan looks like when he's excited..." his friend answered, "that is duncan excited."

yeah. i love him. i love them. also, i love when the camera pans over to david robinson. cos i LOVE david. so much. since i was like 10. i remember being in 5th grade and declaring my love for david robinson.

spurs pride runs deep. it's times like these that i really wish i was home in san antonio. besides my family there's just that city pride that i miss during times like these (aka spurs in the finals). boston during basketball season sux mostly. people here only care about sox. and bruins and pats. no bball love. all they know is larry bird. lame. east coast poopers.

girly note: cavs player pavlovic is hot. and made a hot basket. thats nice. still...

go spurs go. forreal. i originally said spurs take the series 4-2, but i'd rather 4-0 at this point. safer.

also i like how they keep mentioning how the spurs are the winningest sports franchise in the last decade. oh yeah. still no respect. lame-o.

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