13 April 2007

chocolate bubble yum?

from mcsweeney's reviews of new food, http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/newfood/#BubbleYumHersheysGenuineChocolateFlavor:

Bubble Yum:
Hershey's Genuine Chocolate Flavor

Submitted by Angela Colford

I didn't expect chocolate-flavored bubblegum to taste good. I knew better than that. I wasn't surprised by the sensation of eating a never-ending Tootsie Roll. I was only slightly alarmed by the odd shininess that the gum acquired after a few minutes of chewing. I was even prepared for the cocoa-powder-meets-inner-tube texture. The only thing about this chewing experience that seemed extraordinary to me was that, though the flavor's brand was purported to be Hershey's, the chocolate flavor waxing my tongue was oddly Nestlé-esque. Also, it cost 95 cents for a five-piece pack, which is just too expensive for something so fucking gross.

i love chocolate. but of course, one must expect this to be disGUSting. so reading this at 5pm on a friday afternoon is funny.

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