01 March 2007

oh the places I will go

countries i would like to visit in the next five years (listed in no particular order):
  1. mexico
  2. ireland
  3. egypt
  4. england
  5. scotland
  6. france
  7. spain
  8. italy
  9. costa rica
  10. argentina
  11. brazil
  12. japan
  13. china
  14. australia
  15. new zealand
  16. greece
  17. turkey
  18. south africa
  19. kenya
  20. switzerland
so that's twenty countries. and i'm pretty sure its not a complete list. but 20 countries and five years. four countries a year? totally do-able. knocking two of those out in a week. and two more *hopefully* come june.

mostly i want to live abroad somewhere for a year or two... for school or working, dont care. i just want to immerse myself in something else for a while...

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