20 December 2007

flashback to 1994

the fact that i find grown(ish) men wearing suede airwalks from the mid-90s to be endearing and even a little attractive probably signals that there's something wrong with me.

last night at a party ellen and i couldn't stop staring at this kid's shoes. they were like airwalks or vans or something. some kind of round suede skate shoe throwback. soooo not hip, more like straight out of 1994. as ellen and i have discussed on numerous drunken nights - middle school was a definitely awesome time in our lives. apparently for most of america that was a horrid and awkward part of their childhood.

eh, not so much for ellen and i. we had great times.

middle school meant increasing amounts of independence, the release of dookie and morning glory (which to this day are still favorites), celeb-crushes on mike from mxpx. slow dancing in the caf at school dances, hanging out behind the gym to gossip, meeting at someone's house after school to hang out and watch the band practice or to get skateboarding lessons from the boys. it was all good times with an allowance thrown in for bonus.

basically. i have a 1994 fetish. like how listening to basketcase will kinda make me melt.

7th grade and all things associated (the airwalks, the music, all the skateboarding boys) have a special place in my heart. even in the year 2007.

this kid's shoes gave us a total flashback. definitely not hip but still so cute. hahaha.

i miss middle school.

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