19 November 2007


this morning it was grey and dark out. wet and a hint of a chill. i was happy to be able to turn on my computer and work from under the covers.

now in the late afternoon i'm sitting on my porch with my laptop open and the breeze blowing the leaves off the trees. it's 75 degrees out and there's pretty much a perfect blue sky with a few puffy clouds. i've been able to whip out powerpoint decks, tracking spreadsheets, and lots of emails with a "birds chirping and dogs barking" soundtrack.

if it wasn't for the ant bites i got 20 minutes ago while opening my car door, i'd say it was a great and productive afternoon.

definitely a great time for my company to send out a survey asking about my work life balance. definitely on a positive note right now.


and. cos it's happened to everyone: http://www.mitchclem.com/nothingnice/397/

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