saw this shirt this weekend. i want it. only in black.
hope they still have one in my size when i go back... in a few weeks.
i had lots of good convos this weekend. and all sorts of random fun. with a ton of laziness and couch laying thrown in - of course.
based on some of my discussions, i realize i'm missing out on a lot of things i used to love. the boston i encountered in college is somewhat different from the boston i encounter today. i don't go to a lot of the places i used to love, don't do all the things that made me appreciate this city in spite of the frozen-ness. i still have fun and do things with people that make me happy, but i'm missing out on some of the things i used to do.
i used to make posters. hang out at the mfa for hours. go to rock concerts and hiphop clubs and no-name bars. watch movies in coolidge and browse in booksmith. lay on the grass in the commons and just people watch (ok. that one's definitely not happening any time soon. unless it snows. then i have to go watch the park explode in snowboots.)
i still shop in downtown crossing and nosh in chinatown... and i definitely take more picture walks now. but its not all the same.
i think a big reason i'm missing out on all this stuff is that all my partners in crime have moved away. nyc, dc, la. connecticut. anna took off to freaking scotland and diane is practicing her french in switzerland. girls! you were my bestest buddies and we had so much random boston fun! i miss yall. i miss our adventures. our inside jokes and our mod motto, "not everyone can be happy all the time."
i know its against our motto and how we roll, but i want to be happy! come play with me! lets do fun stuff again!!! i know everyone lives far away. i'm just going to have to make my boston friends do my nerdy activities. and make new san antonio friends to do projects with. and also. i need to visit everyone in your far off locales. i def need to start pulling a schedule together for the coming months. who i get to see, where, and when.
for now- i think i'm going to work on some of my solitary exploits. of course i always have my own sharpie and some paper laying around to make a rad poster. maybe a little thanksgiving decoration for the folks. cheer me up and get my hands dirty on some newsprint or phonebook pages. it'll be good.
f.y.i. nerd explosion below. but its classic and its me, so there.
re-reading this post, i kept thinking of my beloved blink182 lyrics:
But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up
10 years on and i still sing this song in my head way too often. i'm old, and still sooo 14 years old sometimes. ugh. oh well.
what does that shirt mean?
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