02 November 2007

bad drivers

i'm a pretty angry driver. i yell at people a lot from my car. but there are just so many bad drivers out there, getting in my way all the time!

today though- i was the bad driver.

i had to drop something off at my mom's school. but i'm also working today and constantly checking my email. so i took my laptop with me in the car. (broadband is great that way). then while i was driving my brother IMed me. so while at a stoplight i answered back.

then my dad called. he needed some direction on how to use a digital camera that is similar to my own. i tried to walk him through the steps but i myself wasn't completely clear. luckily i had my camera with me. so i popped my camera open and walked through the steps with my dad over the phone. while still keeping one eye on traffic and half an eye on my laptop.

seriously. i'm an idiot. even if it was wicked slow moving construction traffic.

people should not do 5 things at once. especially not when one of those things is driving.

that was dumb. i really need to aim for no more dumb driving. seriously.

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