i woke up first when someone on my street started shoveling and it was light out. i was semi-happy that i still had at least 45 minutes to sleep before i had to get up and shovel. v-day blizzard 2007. only while ellen and i spent an hr shoveling our way out, i totally didnt know it was v-day. that was a gross and very cold hour.
then i spent almost an hour and a half driving very slowly to work. like 30mph on the pike. skidding along. listening to my grammy 2k7 mix. it was weird when the carrie underwood 'jesus take the wheel' song came on. random. i was like, pls dont let me slide off into a pile of snow, or worse- like the woman i saw today who had somehow backed into a rock wall. that scared me.
i got to work and was semi-productive. my eyes hurt from being open too early and i was just... distracted. however, getting to work and checking my email did lead to me getting an v-day email from my mommy wishing me a happy day. that was pretty much my only v-day reminder all day. no big love fests at our office. :p
around 3 when the snow stopped i decided to head out to avoid massive traffic and get a start home. i got home by 430 where rach and i spent about an hour moving slush around. then after a quick trader joe's run, we came home to eat dinner and work on getting my car up the driveway. between 630 and 9pm was a lot of shoveling, icemelt-ing, cursing, digging, gunning of engines, and pushing. my car got stuck twice. a nice neighbor kid had to help us once. i felt so dumb. finally, around 9 we got it up the driveway. i hate my driveway.
so i spent about 4.5 hours outside to day shoveling and such. my body is sore and i am angry at this place that snows and sleets and makes roads and driving so difficult and makes valentines an almost non-issue.
yes, this was one of my worst days in quite a while. just cos its been physically draining. not even cos it was v-day. i forgot about that. so oh yeah, have a good one. or i hope everyone else had a good one... maybe next year there will be more candies and red hearts and xo's. cos i'll be in tx, right? everything seems like its better there. espe

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