it's been working. i can honestly say i'm putting forth the effort. while most of saturday i spent running errands and hanging out, i did take advantage of the mildly tolerable weather by running around outside.
diane invited me out on saturday night and since its been ages and i'm trying to do different stuff, i was definitely in. it wasn't that cold out and luckily we didn't have to wait in line. 33 wasn't really packed but still SO hot. humid/sweaty hot. but it was nice to get out and dance and meet new kids. i had fun even if i did have to worry about a kid puking on me for a while there. collegekids, pffft. haha. oh, such a recent memory. random observations: i love hearing ppl speak italian, even if i don't understand it all, and i didn't know albanians had their own language. i'm ignorant sometimes. eh. oh well. learn new things.

sunday morning the roomies, esteban and i ventured out to chinatown for dimsum. as soon as we entered the area we could here the drums and smell the firecrackers. apparently last weekends chinese new year festivities had been postponed a week cos of the ice. so while we had a heck of a time weaving our way over to china pearl, we did get to watch the lions dance and i was able to take a few pics of the parade and cute babies. then evan met up with us and we stuffed our faces. dumplings, porkbuns, meatballs. all sooo yummy, i love dim sum. then we did minor shoe shopping before heading home so i could nap and watch the oscars.

good boston weekend. i'm proud of myself. going out and doing stuff and enjoying myself.
now the countdown is on to my uk trip. yay! edinburgh, london and annatudor- oh my! 13 days! i'm working on making lists- what to pack, where to visit, what to buy, etc, etc. i'm excited for this adventure.
then hopefully a week in texas in april. maybe a trip out west in may. then... dunno. i'm basically going to be poor forever. basically.
also, ellen and i's new favorite song: cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes. first i made fun, but actually i love it. apparently they had a concert in cambridge like a week ago. only we didnt know the name of the band that sang that song we liked a week ago. dang it. they're a really fun band. i dig. getting heavy play on my radioblogclub playlist. man, i love that thing.
might see ataris this week. and ellen wants to see fountains of wayne next month. i only want to see them if they promise to play sink to the bottom and promise not to play stacey's mom. i hate that song and f.o.w. from that period. just saying.

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