i wish i knew what i wanted in life. that would make this whole 'life plan' thing a lot easier. help me narrow things down.
in option 2387907 where i live in san antonio forever and ever starting tomorrow, i would buy this house: http://kuperrealty.cybersunshine.com/633450
i love it. i want it. i am soooo coveting that house right now.
ok. acapulco's tonight. that was fun. embrace boston....
i should make a shirt.
my mom is crazy. obscene republican/right wing ideology. shes hardcore and i love it.
mom: i have no desire to go to greece.
me: WHAT?!?! how can u say that?
mom: i want to go to south dakota. and idaho. i want to tour america.
me: mom, thats ridiculous. how can u not want to see greece?!?!
mom: what do i need to see those old buildings for? how about idaho? when have you ever met anyone from idaho? i want to meet people
me: i cant believe you're saying this. you're so republican.
mom: i know. so what.
me: i love you.
28 February 2007
26 February 2007
doing tha dang thang

it's been working. i can honestly say i'm putting forth the effort. while most of saturday i spent running errands and hanging out, i did take advantage of the mildly tolerable weather by running around outside.
diane invited me out on saturday night and since its been ages and i'm trying to do different stuff, i was definitely in. it wasn't that cold out and luckily we didn't have to wait in line. 33 wasn't really packed but still SO hot. humid/sweaty hot. but it was nice to get out and dance and meet new kids. i had fun even if i did have to worry about a kid puking on me for a while there. collegekids, pffft. haha. oh, such a recent memory. random observations: i love hearing ppl speak italian, even if i don't understand it all, and i didn't know albanians had their own language. i'm ignorant sometimes. eh. oh well. learn new things.

sunday morning the roomies, esteban and i ventured out to chinatown for dimsum. as soon as we entered the area we could here the drums and smell the firecrackers. apparently last weekends chinese new year festivities had been postponed a week cos of the ice. so while we had a heck of a time weaving our way over to china pearl, we did get to watch the lions dance and i was able to take a few pics of the parade and cute babies. then evan met up with us and we stuffed our faces. dumplings, porkbuns, meatballs. all sooo yummy, i love dim sum. then we did minor shoe shopping before heading home so i could nap and watch the oscars.

good boston weekend. i'm proud of myself. going out and doing stuff and enjoying myself.
now the countdown is on to my uk trip. yay! edinburgh, london and annatudor- oh my! 13 days! i'm working on making lists- what to pack, where to visit, what to buy, etc, etc. i'm excited for this adventure.
then hopefully a week in texas in april. maybe a trip out west in may. then... dunno. i'm basically going to be poor forever. basically.
also, ellen and i's new favorite song: cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes. first i made fun, but actually i love it. apparently they had a concert in cambridge like a week ago. only we didnt know the name of the band that sang that song we liked a week ago. dang it. they're a really fun band. i dig. getting heavy play on my radioblogclub playlist. man, i love that thing.
might see ataris this week. and ellen wants to see fountains of wayne next month. i only want to see them if they promise to play sink to the bottom and promise not to play stacey's mom. i hate that song and f.o.w. from that period. just saying.

chinese new year,
gym class heroes,
23 February 2007
modus operandi
i think i need to take a new outlook on life. for the next six months, new m.o.
i need to fully embrace boston and brookline and my place of work. completely give in to living in this place for now. i can handle 6 mo. then i can move. new city.
but for now, i think i need to stop wishing i was somewhere else and just rock this joint. rock this joint w/o injuring my car and spending too much money. :)
i need to fully embrace boston and brookline and my place of work. completely give in to living in this place for now. i can handle 6 mo. then i can move. new city.
but for now, i think i need to stop wishing i was somewhere else and just rock this joint. rock this joint w/o injuring my car and spending too much money. :)
20 February 2007
sites i'm currently obsessed with:
we went to charlies kitchen the other night (again) and i kept staring at this kid at the bar. he wasn't even hot. he just kinda sorta looked like kevin rose. which makes me a complete dorky nerdy loser. who checks out guys who look like techy startup dorks. okkkk. i need to stop.
- ebay.com
- graffitiresearchlab.com
- tourfilter.com
- radioblogclub.com
- wikipedia.org
- digg.com
we went to charlies kitchen the other night (again) and i kept staring at this kid at the bar. he wasn't even hot. he just kinda sorta looked like kevin rose. which makes me a complete dorky nerdy loser. who checks out guys who look like techy startup dorks. okkkk. i need to stop.
19 February 2007
alright, still
saturday we (rach, ellen, me) went to the outlets. got some new sneaks and a purse that i dont need. my addiction is strong and my shopping-celiacy vow is broken. that didnt last long. pooper.
we ate at ruby tuesdays even tho that place always makes me sick, its so tasty. came home and laid around watching tele and chick flix. v. productive and exciting, i blame it on our ice-palace.
around 3am i woke up with stomach grumblings and severe nausea. i was sick every 3o min from then thru like 10am. during an 8am conference call i had to run to the bathroom. it was gross. and to think, there was no alcohol involved!
when i found out another girl from work also had issues this weekend, maybe i cant blame it all on food poisoning and maybe its a stomach flu. i finally ate around 2pm today. yay! food in my belly!
even tho i felt like shite, i dragged ellen to the lily allen concert last night at axis. it was a good time in spite of our slipping and sliding all around fenway. lily's a fun girl. she sang her album plus cheryl tweedy and a few covers. i love that kooks' naive one. i bopped around a bit and sang along. she said f.u. to the brit awards, tony blair, gw, bank managers and fashion mags. her band was good and having a full horns section made it bouncy and fun. and her keyboardist was hot. the crowd was a mix of college kids, indie hippies, and ellen and i. by the end i kind of felt like puking again, i think its cos it was so toasty in the club. anyways, lily was great live and i'd def be into seeing her again, hopefully when i'm feeling better and can really dance around.
anyways, came home and found a tourfilter announcement saying she's going to be back in the bean on april7 at the roxy. slightly larger/seedier venue, but anyone interested?
my car is finally getting worked on. i'll get it back in about two weeks. great. carless for a while. good, that means for those two weeks i can't scratch it on my dumb driveway or get it stuck in a pile of ice somewhere.
its almost time for me to go on my uk trip. yay! uk here i come. figuring out this whole transportation thing will be a big iffy, but it'll get done. then AT and i can hang and be merry and do whatever it is college kids do these days. :p
moving on...
dad just told me spurs are looking at pippen as a possibility for next season. he's 41 and retired! i dont care if he already has 6 rings! ugh. spurs. why cant it be 1999 again w/ a baby timmy and wise old david.
we ate at ruby tuesdays even tho that place always makes me sick, its so tasty. came home and laid around watching tele and chick flix. v. productive and exciting, i blame it on our ice-palace.
around 3am i woke up with stomach grumblings and severe nausea. i was sick every 3o min from then thru like 10am. during an 8am conference call i had to run to the bathroom. it was gross. and to think, there was no alcohol involved!
when i found out another girl from work also had issues this weekend, maybe i cant blame it all on food poisoning and maybe its a stomach flu. i finally ate around 2pm today. yay! food in my belly!
even tho i felt like shite, i dragged ellen to the lily allen concert last night at axis. it was a good time in spite of our slipping and sliding all around fenway. lily's a fun girl. she sang her album plus cheryl tweedy and a few covers. i love that kooks' naive one. i bopped around a bit and sang along. she said f.u. to the brit awards, tony blair, gw, bank managers and fashion mags. her band was good and having a full horns section made it bouncy and fun. and her keyboardist was hot. the crowd was a mix of college kids, indie hippies, and ellen and i. by the end i kind of felt like puking again, i think its cos it was so toasty in the club. anyways, lily was great live and i'd def be into seeing her again, hopefully when i'm feeling better and can really dance around.
anyways, came home and found a tourfilter announcement saying she's going to be back in the bean on april7 at the roxy. slightly larger/seedier venue, but anyone interested?
my car is finally getting worked on. i'll get it back in about two weeks. great. carless for a while. good, that means for those two weeks i can't scratch it on my dumb driveway or get it stuck in a pile of ice somewhere.
its almost time for me to go on my uk trip. yay! uk here i come. figuring out this whole transportation thing will be a big iffy, but it'll get done. then AT and i can hang and be merry and do whatever it is college kids do these days. :p
moving on...
dad just told me spurs are looking at pippen as a possibility for next season. he's 41 and retired! i dont care if he already has 6 rings! ugh. spurs. why cant it be 1999 again w/ a baby timmy and wise old david.
16 February 2007
the long and short of the good and the bad
- lily allen concert in 2 days
- uk bound in 23 days
- i took some graffiti pics yesterday
- i have all the ingredients to make grilled cheese sandwiches, smoothies and mexican hot chocolate in my house
- it's friday
- a piece of tooth fell out of my mouth this morning
- my car is frozen into a block of ice on my driveway
- i have to work this weekend
- my bumper is still falling off of my car
- my car is going in to the shop on monday so it can get fixed
- i have at least 3 good books waiting to be read at home
- i got my banksy pics in the mail this week
- hershey's kisses in 'truffles' flavor
- i got new business cards that say i work in the prudential tower
- i don't actually work in the prudential tower
- my car is going in to the shop on monday so i'll be carless
- i have to work this weekend
- i'm getting lilyallen burnout, finally
- blink182 and gorillaz soundrack for work
- i don't have to drive myself home
- i'm writing this at work
14 February 2007
i forgot it was valentines
today was one of the most annoying and tiring and non-productive days of my life. and i've been awake since 545 am.

i woke up first when someone on my street started shoveling and it was light out. i was semi-happy that i still had at least 45 minutes to sleep before i had to get up and shovel. v-day blizzard 2007. only while ellen and i spent an hr shoveling our way out, i totally didnt know it was v-day. that was a gross and very cold hour.
then i spent almost an hour and a half driving very slowly to work. like 30mph on the pike. skidding along. listening to my grammy 2k7 mix. it was weird when the carrie underwood 'jesus take the wheel' song came on. random. i was like, pls dont let me slide off into a pile of snow, or worse- like the woman i saw today who had somehow backed into a rock wall. that scared me.
i got to work and was semi-productive. my eyes hurt from being open too early and i was just... distracted. however, getting to work and checking my email did lead to me getting an v-day email from my mommy wishing me a happy day. that was pretty much my only v-day reminder all day. no big love fests at our office. :p
around 3 when the snow stopped i decided to head out to avoid massive traffic and get a start home. i got home by 430 where rach and i spent about an hour moving slush around. then after a quick trader joe's run, we came home to eat dinner and work on getting my car up the driveway. between 630 and 9pm was a lot of shoveling, icemelt-ing, cursing, digging, gunning of engines, and pushing. my car got stuck twice. a nice neighbor kid had to help us once. i felt so dumb. finally, around 9 we got it up the driveway. i hate my driveway.
so i spent about 4.5 hours outside to day shoveling and such. my body is sore and i am angry at this place that snows and sleets and makes roads and driving so difficult and makes valentines an almost non-issue.
yes, this was one of my worst days in quite a while. just cos its been physically draining. not even cos it was v-day. i forgot about that. so oh yeah, have a good one. or i hope everyone else had a good one... maybe next year there will be more candies and red hearts and xo's. cos i'll be in tx, right? everything seems like its better there. espe
cially when i'm way up here...

i woke up first when someone on my street started shoveling and it was light out. i was semi-happy that i still had at least 45 minutes to sleep before i had to get up and shovel. v-day blizzard 2007. only while ellen and i spent an hr shoveling our way out, i totally didnt know it was v-day. that was a gross and very cold hour.
then i spent almost an hour and a half driving very slowly to work. like 30mph on the pike. skidding along. listening to my grammy 2k7 mix. it was weird when the carrie underwood 'jesus take the wheel' song came on. random. i was like, pls dont let me slide off into a pile of snow, or worse- like the woman i saw today who had somehow backed into a rock wall. that scared me.
i got to work and was semi-productive. my eyes hurt from being open too early and i was just... distracted. however, getting to work and checking my email did lead to me getting an v-day email from my mommy wishing me a happy day. that was pretty much my only v-day reminder all day. no big love fests at our office. :p
around 3 when the snow stopped i decided to head out to avoid massive traffic and get a start home. i got home by 430 where rach and i spent about an hour moving slush around. then after a quick trader joe's run, we came home to eat dinner and work on getting my car up the driveway. between 630 and 9pm was a lot of shoveling, icemelt-ing, cursing, digging, gunning of engines, and pushing. my car got stuck twice. a nice neighbor kid had to help us once. i felt so dumb. finally, around 9 we got it up the driveway. i hate my driveway.
so i spent about 4.5 hours outside to day shoveling and such. my body is sore and i am angry at this place that snows and sleets and makes roads and driving so difficult and makes valentines an almost non-issue.
yes, this was one of my worst days in quite a while. just cos its been physically draining. not even cos it was v-day. i forgot about that. so oh yeah, have a good one. or i hope everyone else had a good one... maybe next year there will be more candies and red hearts and xo's. cos i'll be in tx, right? everything seems like its better there. espe

11 February 2007
i like music a bit much- grammy blog.
watching the grammy's alone cos none of my roomates are all that interested. kinda lame.
stereogum's liveblogging, so i've been dropping in with some of my own comments over there. cos i'm that lame/ loving this stuff. i think i'm going to liveblog the rest over here cos i'm commenting too much and its embarassing.
anyways, the police, mayer, and now chris brown.
been commenting here: http://www.stereogum.com/archives/004584.html
chris brown dancing with little kids. little hip hop dancers are the best. and chris brown has really stepped it up, usher needs to come back on the scene soon if he wants to defend his crown. cos this kid is all over that stuff.
christina popping out from below the stage. her hair is outta control but the girl's got some pipes. i like that she holds on to her red lipstick/white hair look. sticking to her fashion guns. props.
still ahead: ludacris and mary j. love it. love love love luda. hungry, ham sandwich time. i'm such a fatty. oh well.
oh, my head hurts. and target totally must have spent a billion dollars on grammy commercials. and tony bennet buyoffs.
president of the academy talking about music in schools. boring. stop talking stop talking. kid playing restaurant background piano. i wonder if he would rather be jamming. probably. i hope so.
hahaha, closeup in john mayer in a tux. he looks so uncomfortable.
now the sad 'ppl who died this year' part. its sad.
chris brown is back to do some james brown crazy dancing. that kid should do broadway i think, more than his pop/r&b/whatever thing hes got going on.
jamesbrowns cape is getting a standing ovation. good.
even the heineken commercial looks like a target add cos of the shape of the speakers in it. they dont even sell beer at target.
red balloon. what is it with those guys. why are the balloons always red?
finally, back to the show. rhianna looks pretty. sometimes shes not. david spade looks so old. mary j and luda! whoop. w/ some earth wind fire vibes. luda really is hot i think. and i dont even like this song. runaway girl... mary looks nice. and young. little girls holding candles. ok, i totally agree with the sentiment and the idea of this song. just not the actual song. is whats going on.
now james blunt. i liked this song for liek a week. a long time ago. and does anyone else think he looks like napoleon dynamite? hes awkward.
big commercial windows.
j.hud! yay. i like her. even if she can't read the teleprompter. a girl named robin gets to sing w/ justin. thats cool. her dress is short and i love justin. he must have read the nyt style article about white sneakers for men. she's kind of an awkward dancer. really. she does sing well. and now ti. hes hot. justin kinda looks like mike skinner. a bit.
bennet and tarantino. both quentin and i can't believe they let him present. he freaks me out. i just saw paris hilton in the audience. they let her in? seriously? thats funny.
danger mouse never looks happy and cee-lo is always busting out.
dixie chicks get album of the year. good music or political statement? or both? dont know.
chris rock! i love him. rhcp, not so much. they're ok. what's flea wearing?!? a soccer kit. and the other two stole their outfits fro brandon flower's samtown closet. ok.
ooh, i hope j.may trio wins. home. oh no. broken boy soldiers!! yes. best rock. its going to be rhcp. gross. yep. boo. thats annoying.
don henleys so old and has gross hair. scarlett is recording an album. eh. good thing shes pretty.
album of the year- dixie chicks. no big surprise after the whole show.
and done.
stereogum's liveblogging, so i've been dropping in with some of my own comments over there. cos i'm that lame/ loving this stuff. i think i'm going to liveblog the rest over here cos i'm commenting too much and its embarassing.
anyways, the police, mayer, and now chris brown.
been commenting here: http://www.stereogum.com/archives/004584.html
chris brown dancing with little kids. little hip hop dancers are the best. and chris brown has really stepped it up, usher needs to come back on the scene soon if he wants to defend his crown. cos this kid is all over that stuff.
christina popping out from below the stage. her hair is outta control but the girl's got some pipes. i like that she holds on to her red lipstick/white hair look. sticking to her fashion guns. props.
still ahead: ludacris and mary j. love it. love love love luda. hungry, ham sandwich time. i'm such a fatty. oh well.
oh, my head hurts. and target totally must have spent a billion dollars on grammy commercials. and tony bennet buyoffs.
president of the academy talking about music in schools. boring. stop talking stop talking. kid playing restaurant background piano. i wonder if he would rather be jamming. probably. i hope so.
hahaha, closeup in john mayer in a tux. he looks so uncomfortable.
now the sad 'ppl who died this year' part. its sad.
chris brown is back to do some james brown crazy dancing. that kid should do broadway i think, more than his pop/r&b/whatever thing hes got going on.
jamesbrowns cape is getting a standing ovation. good.
even the heineken commercial looks like a target add cos of the shape of the speakers in it. they dont even sell beer at target.
red balloon. what is it with those guys. why are the balloons always red?
finally, back to the show. rhianna looks pretty. sometimes shes not. david spade looks so old. mary j and luda! whoop. w/ some earth wind fire vibes. luda really is hot i think. and i dont even like this song. runaway girl... mary looks nice. and young. little girls holding candles. ok, i totally agree with the sentiment and the idea of this song. just not the actual song. is whats going on.
now james blunt. i liked this song for liek a week. a long time ago. and does anyone else think he looks like napoleon dynamite? hes awkward.
big commercial windows.
j.hud! yay. i like her. even if she can't read the teleprompter. a girl named robin gets to sing w/ justin. thats cool. her dress is short and i love justin. he must have read the nyt style article about white sneakers for men. she's kind of an awkward dancer. really. she does sing well. and now ti. hes hot. justin kinda looks like mike skinner. a bit.
bennet and tarantino. both quentin and i can't believe they let him present. he freaks me out. i just saw paris hilton in the audience. they let her in? seriously? thats funny.
danger mouse never looks happy and cee-lo is always busting out.
dixie chicks get album of the year. good music or political statement? or both? dont know.
chris rock! i love him. rhcp, not so much. they're ok. what's flea wearing?!? a soccer kit. and the other two stole their outfits fro brandon flower's samtown closet. ok.
ooh, i hope j.may trio wins. home. oh no. broken boy soldiers!! yes. best rock. its going to be rhcp. gross. yep. boo. thats annoying.
don henleys so old and has gross hair. scarlett is recording an album. eh. good thing shes pretty.
album of the year- dixie chicks. no big surprise after the whole show.
and done.
productivity in the eye of the producer
now if only i could get the motivation to finish cleaning my room and do all my laundry. and my taxes. i need to fini those out soon as well.
also, i made chicken and dumpling soup and its delish. i've been craving this food for ages, but its definitely a southern thing and not found at restaurants around here. so i finally made some for myself. how resourceful! i know. i'm sure eating it 4 days in a row however, will not be fun. i think i need to freeze some.
grammys on the tele tonight. lily allen concert in a week. woohoo!
09 February 2007
driving in
driving to work with ellen this morning, while through an intersection i heard a gigantic BOOM! sound. i thought, shite! something fell on me. or my car just got shot. or my bumper fell off. then ellen was like, 'dude, i think the water bottle in your trunk just exploded.' oh. yeah. that thing thats been rolling around like a giant bowling ball all week, throughout these below freezing temps. only my trunk is currently sewn shut to preserve the semi-attached state of my bumper. gee whiz. i need to get out these ice chunks before temps warm up... and i have a mildewy trunk... ugh.
i'm listening to my own little custom mix-list at work. and a sublime song came on. it's a live cut and the beginning is filled with people laughing and talking, you know, background noise at a bar. and it just is kinda depressing in a weird way. like the fact that the 100- 1000 people in the room were there for a sublime concert. during the relatively brief life of brad nowell sublime played live constantly. and here it seems like these people werent fully appreciating their reggae skater punk music, which i think is a great genre and should have more bands cos its something i like....
anyways. i dont know. obviously, people are always talking at concerts. but it just feels like lots of times we have these limited opportunities to experience something like a great concert or just quality time with people we love. and we can get distracted carrying on and doing 10 other things at the same time. when really we should be focusing wholly on one experience at a time, because you never know when or if a similar experience will present itself again. everything's finite. especially time and life.
also, last night instead of going to sleep at a decent hour, i watched a movie on ifc. cos that makes sense. it was last night. sandra oh was in it w/ some other random canadian actors i dont know. it was another 'end of the world' movie. this one follows 6 ppl's stories, as they live their final day. it was kinda random but interesting. how people come together and split apart, etc. and what people would do and say if they knew the world was coming to an end very soon. interesting.
it's friday. whoop, i suppose.
i'm listening to my own little custom mix-list at work. and a sublime song came on. it's a live cut and the beginning is filled with people laughing and talking, you know, background noise at a bar. and it just is kinda depressing in a weird way. like the fact that the 100- 1000 people in the room were there for a sublime concert. during the relatively brief life of brad nowell sublime played live constantly. and here it seems like these people werent fully appreciating their reggae skater punk music, which i think is a great genre and should have more bands cos its something i like....
anyways. i dont know. obviously, people are always talking at concerts. but it just feels like lots of times we have these limited opportunities to experience something like a great concert or just quality time with people we love. and we can get distracted carrying on and doing 10 other things at the same time. when really we should be focusing wholly on one experience at a time, because you never know when or if a similar experience will present itself again. everything's finite. especially time and life.
also, last night instead of going to sleep at a decent hour, i watched a movie on ifc. cos that makes sense. it was last night. sandra oh was in it w/ some other random canadian actors i dont know. it was another 'end of the world' movie. this one follows 6 ppl's stories, as they live their final day. it was kinda random but interesting. how people come together and split apart, etc. and what people would do and say if they knew the world was coming to an end very soon. interesting.
it's friday. whoop, i suppose.
07 February 2007
go on and work it out
so i went to the gym today. i know, i know. its once every ten years. such a good use of my money...
anyways, i saw a couple guys walk by in shorts. and their blindingly white legs made me think - oh, if i ever married a white guy, i'd totally make him go tanning in the summer cos that's gross. then i thought to myself, wow, flora- that was really racist. but actually, its just a matter of aesthetics. and then, i realized, duh flora, you dont have to worry about that blindingly white leg thing. cos duh, you'll live somewhere warm where everyone can be tan and pretty year round. no fake baking at the electric beach. duh! so yeah. duh. i will live a happily ever after nicely tanned married life, no matter what race my future husband is. cos we'll live somewhere warm, obvs. that's so affirming. :)
anyways, i saw a couple guys walk by in shorts. and their blindingly white legs made me think - oh, if i ever married a white guy, i'd totally make him go tanning in the summer cos that's gross. then i thought to myself, wow, flora- that was really racist. but actually, its just a matter of aesthetics. and then, i realized, duh flora, you dont have to worry about that blindingly white leg thing. cos duh, you'll live somewhere warm where everyone can be tan and pretty year round. no fake baking at the electric beach. duh! so yeah. duh. i will live a happily ever after nicely tanned married life, no matter what race my future husband is. cos we'll live somewhere warm, obvs. that's so affirming. :)
05 February 2007
we're going all the way
ellen and i are always complaining that we're poor. right after we've bought our latest pair of shoes or pants or cute purse. we shop a bit too much.
at least we got to the first step, admitting we have a problem.
so now we're challenging each other. no shopping for 2 months! thats pretty extreme and we know we're addicts. so just like dieters get that allowance for a slice of chocolate cake every now and then, we're giving ourselves an allowance. $75 per month of fun money. that's it. that's all we can spend on funstuff. of course we can still buy groceries and necessities as needed w/o cutting into our fun money. and also, limiting our dining out to 3x week. for some people, that a lot already. but considering how lazy i am... 3x is not enough.
challenge starts today. thru april 7. this is going to be good. good for me. right?
ugh. i'm still looking at stuff on ebay... just looking! and besides, i have my $75 discretionary fund...
at least we got to the first step, admitting we have a problem.
so now we're challenging each other. no shopping for 2 months! thats pretty extreme and we know we're addicts. so just like dieters get that allowance for a slice of chocolate cake every now and then, we're giving ourselves an allowance. $75 per month of fun money. that's it. that's all we can spend on funstuff. of course we can still buy groceries and necessities as needed w/o cutting into our fun money. and also, limiting our dining out to 3x week. for some people, that a lot already. but considering how lazy i am... 3x is not enough.
challenge starts today. thru april 7. this is going to be good. good for me. right?
ugh. i'm still looking at stuff on ebay... just looking! and besides, i have my $75 discretionary fund...
01 February 2007
for boston, for boston

this city kills me. everytime i think the mayor cant sound any dumber w/ his hardcore accent. then he got in a big giant tizzy over this little guy.
a guerilla marketing campaign caused the city to freak out thinking it was a terrorist bomb scare an they spent $750,000 on this "hoax". only it wasnt a hoax, they weren't trying to scare people. it was just a marketing scheme. some graffiti.
there was one of these pieces just a couple blocks from my house. i must've driven past it at least 3 or 4 times. and i never saw it. boo.
i know the outrageousness reaction by massachusetts and boston police was ridic but partially understandable in light of 9/11 etc, i guess. and turner should have said something. sooner. in advance of the whole thing, gotten permits or something... both sides are at fault.
the two (or more) guys who actually did it and got hauled into jail over night, its not their fault. but they're making a good show of it. smiling during their court hearing and having a press conference about 70s hairstyles. great performance art. oh boston.
the smart kids selling shirts and stickers on ebay, saying up yours and 1-31-07, with a nice little mooninite flicking off the world. they're awesome. i was actually thinking about it on the way home when talking to my dad. but actually, what i want to make is a bit more... public and illegal. cannot disclose. obvs.
anyways. tried out soulfire for dinner and it was ok. grey's was great today and iska and i screamed a lot.
also, mini freakout. its february first. already 2nd month of 2007. gee whiz time is passing slowly. 5 more months and i'll be 24. officially out of my early 20s and into my mid 20s. thats disgusting.
but on a good note. i tried to get lily allen tix last week, but i was mad about ticketbastards surcharges, so i didnt buy them. then i finally decided- actually, i am willing to pay for my lily allen obsession- i go to buy tix and they're sold out. i was so mad at myself. and ppl were selling them on craigslist and ebay for $50. wtf. lame. but today i went on to ticketbastard.com just to check. and turns out they opened it up some more. yay. i bought two. ellen's going with me. yay. feb18 i can sing along and act like i'm 14. awesome.
what good roomates i have. grey's watchers and concert goers. whoop. and rachael is always willing to try out my baking and cooking experiments. :)
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