11 April 2008

Why I Suck, Where I'm Ignorant

So I'm pretty sure I've never been in love. I'm getting too old for this. I know people that have been in love 2 or 3 times by my age. (Some of them might be confused and or lying) But even so, I do believe that most people I know have been in love at least once.

Me? Never. I've crushed and lusted after a long list of boys and men. But never anything all consuming and long lasting. Sometimes I think I might be an asexual robot, but no. I do have extreme love for my family and friends, I've just yet to meet the person who will tap into my romantic love pot. I'm assuming one day this will happen.

But in the meantime, I still am a blank slate with only the purest, analytical understandings of true love. And when people come to me with their stories and problems dealing with their OTL (one true love) I have problems understanding and sympathizing. I give lots of great relationship advice that makes perfect sense to me. They're a jerkface? Drop them. They're far away? Move there, deal with it, or drop them. They love someone else that's not you? Screw that, drop them and find someone to love you and then love them. In like with someone that loves you? Drop them, you won't grow to love them.

Eh. My advice is probably skewed and lacking in complete romantic OTL sensibility. I'm far too logical, black and white, yes or no with regards to OTLs and how to deal with the inevitable, numerous situations and problems that arise. These answers all make perfect sense to me and yet I'm learning that people in actual deep true love really can't function this way. It's not all black and white and yes or no.

Well, damn.

Sorry folks.

I know how or can figure out how to get around any major city within 2 hours.

I can find almost any random fact on the internet regarding just about anything.

I am not scared of anything in real life except actual murderers and rollercoasters.

I can offer advice on what camera to buy, what websites to use, what book to read, which fund to invest in, what music to listen to, and what shoes would go great with that outfit.

But helping you out with dealing with all the drama around your OTL, your pain and heartache and infinite longing. Um. I'm probably not the best resource. I have no experience here. It's not something you can read a book about or google on the internet. I think its completely and deeply personal. And I've never felt it, so I don't know how to help. I'm blank here. I can offer ancedotes and dumb jokes, but I think that's it for right now.

I'm sorry.

Maybe this is the area where I really need someone to help me. It's something I definitely cannot figure out on my own. I've tried.

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