in response to the nagging, i've recently gone on a few linkedin contact frenzies and added people as my 'contacts'. today, when confirming that in fact i do work with this dude (who is also my fb friend, so like, totally legit- HA.) the little, "people you may know" part of the screen on the side (which usually has random people that i've never heard of working for companies that sound boring) today had the founder of one of my favorite music blogs. though i dont actually know this person at all and have never communicated with him outside of leaving random comments on his blog, my finger was really itching to add him as a contact. just because. because he has a blog i like and i appreciate his taste in music...
only i had to remember. this is 'professional' networking. not like myspace. i dont think, "hey-love the blog!" is a legit reason to add people here. if we were on myspace we'd totally be friends by now and i would have sent him one of those blinking comment things that say, 'thanks for the add!!!!!'.
ha. yeah right. as if i even knew how to make one of those blinky myspace comment things. pshh. i'm too old for that. i freaking hate all the blinking and sparkly stuff on myspace- makes me want to poke my eyes out. thats why maybe linkedin is my scene now...
so old.
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