29 January 2008
24 January 2008
totally on repeat this week
sam sparro - black & gold
hot chip - boy from school
hot chip - shake a fist
adele - cold shoulder
jens lekman - i'm leaving you...
vampire weekend - boston
feist - i feel it all
the jens song is like opposite sentiment of vampire weekend and feist. but i love them all. opposite of hallelujah. hehe.
and for non-indie, more radio/bar/club friendly - i'm loving kanye's flashlight song. as well as the one that talks about applebottom jeans and boots with the fur. haha. yeah. singing along to that one is fun/funny.
hot chip - boy from school
hot chip - shake a fist
adele - cold shoulder
jens lekman - i'm leaving you...
vampire weekend - boston
feist - i feel it all
the jens song is like opposite sentiment of vampire weekend and feist. but i love them all. opposite of hallelujah. hehe.
and for non-indie, more radio/bar/club friendly - i'm loving kanye's flashlight song. as well as the one that talks about applebottom jeans and boots with the fur. haha. yeah. singing along to that one is fun/funny.
21 January 2008
keeping the dream alive
Days On: "Equal rights cannot be taken for granted, either personally or collectively as a Firm."
random company letter. funny.
yeah. i have to work on mlk day too. my company doesn't give us the day, for sure.
last year i took a personal day off and spent most of it wandering around nyc with my old roomate kirstin (who i have not heard from in months... hmm) and i remember i met up with my seo pal, lily, who wasn't sure if she had the day off or not but was out playing anyways. it was a good day. wasn't particularly inspiring of me and i don't think i did anything in commemoration of king's achievements. but it was still a great day exploring one of my favorite cities.
this year i came to work, tired and cold. i think on this mlk day i'll probably stay home to continue my recovery from the weekend. i'm hoping to catch 'killer of sheep' on the tele. 3 weeks into the new year, it also seems like a good reflection and look ahead time. might try some introspection tonight as well.
i know. craziness. i lead such an exciting life. movies and silent thinking! woohoo!
ha. too much partying this weekend. i really need to quiet down for a bit. partying to resume... tomorrow, perhaps. :p
random company letter. funny.
yeah. i have to work on mlk day too. my company doesn't give us the day, for sure.
last year i took a personal day off and spent most of it wandering around nyc with my old roomate kirstin (who i have not heard from in months... hmm) and i remember i met up with my seo pal, lily, who wasn't sure if she had the day off or not but was out playing anyways. it was a good day. wasn't particularly inspiring of me and i don't think i did anything in commemoration of king's achievements. but it was still a great day exploring one of my favorite cities.
this year i came to work, tired and cold. i think on this mlk day i'll probably stay home to continue my recovery from the weekend. i'm hoping to catch 'killer of sheep' on the tele. 3 weeks into the new year, it also seems like a good reflection and look ahead time. might try some introspection tonight as well.
i know. craziness. i lead such an exciting life. movies and silent thinking! woohoo!
ha. too much partying this weekend. i really need to quiet down for a bit. partying to resume... tomorrow, perhaps. :p
20 January 2008
growing up with family
it's funny how when i was little my cousin valerie was 'so old!' to me. she was like my big sister when i lived out in the country.
she came up to visit boston this weekend and we had big kid convo's together. we had nice dinners and boozy drinks. the 6 year age difference is so not an issue like it was when i was in kindergarten and she was a big 5th grader.
and of course, we still love 1988 nkotb. everyone can blame my bad music taste on her. she was very influential in the development of my jordan knight love.
17 January 2008
im a nerd, reasons #98234 and #82347
i'm trying to get my company to let me go to a nerd conference in march. i can get into the conference for free (cos i'm a smart nerd) but i'd prefer not to use vacation days to attend. so i'm going to see if it can count as 'training' of some sort.
if it works out it will be tremendously!! awesome. and i will be a nerd princess.
also. my morning started off just right when my favorite coworker/exroomie called to let me know that tourfilter had sent out an mxpx alert overnight. they're coming to the bean!!!
mxpx? you say. from when we were 12? you say. YES. MxPx baby! we know i love all things middleschool. and i LOVE MIKE. and MXPX.
its an all ages show w/ yellowcard. i think there will be 20million babies there. and ellen and i. it will be awesome. i told ellen that we should make signs. 'TAKE ME TO BREMERTON' or something to that effect. haha.
its on the last night of sxsw tho. i'm conflicted. but its MXPX!!!
ugh. i love my teenage drama filled life. its so sad and so comical, all at once.
also. i LOVE tourfilter.com for telling me things. even if i cant go to all the concerts i want to (hotchips-soldout, jenslekman-suisse) its still nice to see the info in my inbox. shoutout to tourfilter!
if it works out it will be tremendously!! awesome. and i will be a nerd princess.
also. my morning started off just right when my favorite coworker/exroomie called to let me know that tourfilter had sent out an mxpx alert overnight. they're coming to the bean!!!
mxpx? you say. from when we were 12? you say. YES. MxPx baby! we know i love all things middleschool. and i LOVE MIKE. and MXPX.
its an all ages show w/ yellowcard. i think there will be 20million babies there. and ellen and i. it will be awesome. i told ellen that we should make signs. 'TAKE ME TO BREMERTON' or something to that effect. haha.
its on the last night of sxsw tho. i'm conflicted. but its MXPX!!!
ugh. i love my teenage drama filled life. its so sad and so comical, all at once.
also. i LOVE tourfilter.com for telling me things. even if i cant go to all the concerts i want to (hotchips-soldout, jenslekman-suisse) its still nice to see the info in my inbox. shoutout to tourfilter!
15 January 2008
fitness plan
sometimes i crack myself up.
my diet and exercise plan for tonight included a dinner of grilled cheese and turkey sandwich and a glass of red wine followed by some bicycling and making fun of american idol tryouts. closed it out with some free weights and heavy breathing. and about a gallon of water.
my attempts at being 'healthy' are funny. mostly i go to the gym in hopes that all the things i ingest like beer and grilled cheese don't kill me before the age of 30. i don't know if its working. i think i should get a physical sometime... make sure things are all clear in spite of the shite i put in my body on a daily basis...
or not.
my diet and exercise plan for tonight included a dinner of grilled cheese and turkey sandwich and a glass of red wine followed by some bicycling and making fun of american idol tryouts. closed it out with some free weights and heavy breathing. and about a gallon of water.
my attempts at being 'healthy' are funny. mostly i go to the gym in hopes that all the things i ingest like beer and grilled cheese don't kill me before the age of 30. i don't know if its working. i think i should get a physical sometime... make sure things are all clear in spite of the shite i put in my body on a daily basis...
or not.
dang ufos chasing the cows again
Texans report seeing UFO - CNN.com
i love when national media publish silly, outlandish news stories purposely making texans seem like bible-crazed, farm-hick crazies.
of course, direct quotes like this don't help the case, "People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end of times," said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. "It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts."
(its better when you read the quote with a country accent)
so, yeah yeah. ok, ok. texas does have more than a few crazy country folk. and they've been seeing some ufos...
btw, i'm back in boston, safe from the ufos for now. just wary of potential blizzards, etc.
that is all.
i love when national media publish silly, outlandish news stories purposely making texans seem like bible-crazed, farm-hick crazies.
of course, direct quotes like this don't help the case, "People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it's the end of times," said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. "It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts."
(its better when you read the quote with a country accent)
so, yeah yeah. ok, ok. texas does have more than a few crazy country folk. and they've been seeing some ufos...
btw, i'm back in boston, safe from the ufos for now. just wary of potential blizzards, etc.
that is all.
14 January 2008
la-la-la-la- linkedin
people keep telling me i should spend more time developing my professional network and making use of tools like linkedin, rather than spending my time playing around with photos of street art and harassing my roomates on facebook. as if there were more important things to do on the internet than finding new music or reading the latest celebrity news. pshh.
in response to the nagging, i've recently gone on a few linkedin contact frenzies and added people as my 'contacts'. today, when confirming that in fact i do work with this dude (who is also my fb friend, so like, totally legit- HA.) the little, "people you may know" part of the screen on the side (which usually has random people that i've never heard of working for companies that sound boring) today had the founder of one of my favorite music blogs. though i dont actually know this person at all and have never communicated with him outside of leaving random comments on his blog, my finger was really itching to add him as a contact. just because. because he has a blog i like and i appreciate his taste in music...

only i had to remember. this is 'professional' networking. not like myspace. i dont think, "hey-love the blog!" is a legit reason to add people here. if we were on myspace we'd totally be friends by now and i would have sent him one of those blinking comment things that say, 'thanks for the add!!!!!'.
ha. yeah right. as if i even knew how to make one of those blinky myspace comment things. pshh. i'm too old for that. i freaking hate all the blinking and sparkly stuff on myspace- makes me want to poke my eyes out. thats why maybe linkedin is my scene now...
so old.
in response to the nagging, i've recently gone on a few linkedin contact frenzies and added people as my 'contacts'. today, when confirming that in fact i do work with this dude (who is also my fb friend, so like, totally legit- HA.) the little, "people you may know" part of the screen on the side (which usually has random people that i've never heard of working for companies that sound boring) today had the founder of one of my favorite music blogs. though i dont actually know this person at all and have never communicated with him outside of leaving random comments on his blog, my finger was really itching to add him as a contact. just because. because he has a blog i like and i appreciate his taste in music...
only i had to remember. this is 'professional' networking. not like myspace. i dont think, "hey-love the blog!" is a legit reason to add people here. if we were on myspace we'd totally be friends by now and i would have sent him one of those blinking comment things that say, 'thanks for the add!!!!!'.
ha. yeah right. as if i even knew how to make one of those blinky myspace comment things. pshh. i'm too old for that. i freaking hate all the blinking and sparkly stuff on myspace- makes me want to poke my eyes out. thats why maybe linkedin is my scene now...
so old.
13 January 2008
when packing to come down this weekend i tried to be as compact as possible. only bringing the things i would really need and then leaving most of my 'stuff' back at the apartment in boston.
i did bring both of my cameras, but only one memory card in each and no cords to connect them up and download my shots.
now i've been wandering around south texas for three days and i have tons of cool stuff on my cameras, and yet- no way to get it off the tiny camera screen and onto my comp and the internet. dang it.
i really would like to get a better view of how all these shots turned out, the mini camera screen really does not cut it. and cameraphone to flickr shots are kinda poopy.
i was bored tonight and my mom was asleep and my dad was watching something boring so i wandered off and was watching tele alone. i landed on mtv and it was the last ep of the real world sydney. these people are so stupid. seriously, wtf. out of the eps this season i did watch, my favorite person was the shaved head guy who took lsd and saw imaginary birds. the rest of the people were shite.
interesting part tho was the commercials. since mtv is now targeting like 14-20 year olds or something, i guess they have more leverage to play around with new types of marketing and advertising. and since i'm a huge marketing nerd, i have to watch from time to time and analyze what's going on. i like to check out what the latest ad agencies are throwing at those impressionable young markets.
(of course, if i actually had one of my dream jobs, i would be the one involved in leading these marketing changes - instead of playing monday morning quarterback and trying to figure them out once they've already hit the air. anyways.)
so yeah. earlier in the week while watching rob & big (LOVE that show.) i noticed the massive kate nashyness of commercials. like beyond just little peeks at her music videos, she was actually part of mtv commercials for other mtv shows... and stuff. it was confusing. like, why is kate advertising a real world show? is she like a vj now or something...
then today, during stupid RW, there was another kate commercial where she was singing in central park or something, and then it flashed into a cloverfield trailer, and then the screen sort of tiled off and half the tiles were kate singing in the park and half were people screaming and buildings burning from cloverfield. ok, that might have been a bad description, but basically there were two commercials playing at once - one for the girly brit singer and one for a totally unrelated horror film.
then, during a later commercial break (cos i sat watching stupid RW for multiple commercial breaks without moving) i saw another double commercial. this time they combined a trailer for that jumper movie along with one of those HP commercials feat. serena williams. it started out as a jumper commercial, then the jumper dude was overlaid into the standard HP commercial, then it went back to being a jumper commercial. kinda interesting...
so this whole combined marketing thing. two seemingly dissimilar products/artists being sold simultaneously and yet separately. interesting, mr.mtv, very interesting...
i wonder if this is going on in other places as well... and i just haven't noticed... it may be that i haven't been watching enough tele lately...
hmm... sometimes i'd be really cool to work for the man. or at least do cool stuff like that... i need to change my job to fit my interests... i think.
so. i'm supposed to go back to boston tomorrow but there is going to be a blizzard or something so that may not be happening. so maybe i wont get back to boston until tuesday. i hope its not a horrid airport adventure, whichever day it is...
i did bring both of my cameras, but only one memory card in each and no cords to connect them up and download my shots.
now i've been wandering around south texas for three days and i have tons of cool stuff on my cameras, and yet- no way to get it off the tiny camera screen and onto my comp and the internet. dang it.
i really would like to get a better view of how all these shots turned out, the mini camera screen really does not cut it. and cameraphone to flickr shots are kinda poopy.
i was bored tonight and my mom was asleep and my dad was watching something boring so i wandered off and was watching tele alone. i landed on mtv and it was the last ep of the real world sydney. these people are so stupid. seriously, wtf. out of the eps this season i did watch, my favorite person was the shaved head guy who took lsd and saw imaginary birds. the rest of the people were shite.
interesting part tho was the commercials. since mtv is now targeting like 14-20 year olds or something, i guess they have more leverage to play around with new types of marketing and advertising. and since i'm a huge marketing nerd, i have to watch from time to time and analyze what's going on. i like to check out what the latest ad agencies are throwing at those impressionable young markets.
(of course, if i actually had one of my dream jobs, i would be the one involved in leading these marketing changes - instead of playing monday morning quarterback and trying to figure them out once they've already hit the air. anyways.)
so yeah. earlier in the week while watching rob & big (LOVE that show.) i noticed the massive kate nashyness of commercials. like beyond just little peeks at her music videos, she was actually part of mtv commercials for other mtv shows... and stuff. it was confusing. like, why is kate advertising a real world show? is she like a vj now or something...
then today, during stupid RW, there was another kate commercial where she was singing in central park or something, and then it flashed into a cloverfield trailer, and then the screen sort of tiled off and half the tiles were kate singing in the park and half were people screaming and buildings burning from cloverfield. ok, that might have been a bad description, but basically there were two commercials playing at once - one for the girly brit singer and one for a totally unrelated horror film.
then, during a later commercial break (cos i sat watching stupid RW for multiple commercial breaks without moving) i saw another double commercial. this time they combined a trailer for that jumper movie along with one of those HP commercials feat. serena williams. it started out as a jumper commercial, then the jumper dude was overlaid into the standard HP commercial, then it went back to being a jumper commercial. kinda interesting...
so this whole combined marketing thing. two seemingly dissimilar products/artists being sold simultaneously and yet separately. interesting, mr.mtv, very interesting...
i wonder if this is going on in other places as well... and i just haven't noticed... it may be that i haven't been watching enough tele lately...
hmm... sometimes i'd be really cool to work for the man. or at least do cool stuff like that... i need to change my job to fit my interests... i think.
so. i'm supposed to go back to boston tomorrow but there is going to be a blizzard or something so that may not be happening. so maybe i wont get back to boston until tuesday. i hope its not a horrid airport adventure, whichever day it is...
11 January 2008
shake a fist
and your booty.
i'm so loving electro-pop right now. outside of my girlie flush of music, i am constantly listening to these techno-tinged beats. never thought it'd be my thing - but guys like these SO are it...
09 January 2008
a few notes
random collection of thoughts from my current life:
- yay. mccain won NH. he's been my man since the start. my only fear is that he picks a bad VP running mate. b/c hes really old and could possibly die, the VP needs to be equally super- just in case.
- on all the 'presidential candidate match' quizzes, mccain is my number1 or number2 pick. usually the rest of my matches are democrats ranging from leaders hillary and barack to dropouts biden and kucinich. hmm... largely, like most people - i dont like the candidates being offered... so eh. election2008 - poop.
- it's a kate nash fiesta on mtv. which is awesome cos i love her. yellow eyeshadow, not so much. her cd came out in the US yesterday so i think i'm going to buy it today.
- headed south tomorrow to soak up some texas sun. it's been less than 2 wks but still feels like its been a while. i now hate going to the airport b/c i never know how long i'll be there.
- sometimes i feel nerdy when i use different websites and notice some feature of their system and think about how it was probably designed. like, wtf did this random (yet very basic) tech knowledge come from? oh yeah... my job.
- getting praised by people, both at work and at home, makes me happy and appreciated. and this kinda annoys me.
- the fact that i enjoy and yet am self-conscious by my own satisfaction with praise probably means i'm messed up some how. no surprise there. i should be psycho-analyzed, for this and many other reasons...
06 January 2008
these boots are made for walking
so. finally locked in my travel plans for coming weeks/months.
jan 10-14: san antonio, tx
feb 8-10: las vegas, nv
mar 29- apr 6: geneva, switzerland
yay. i'm excited.
other than those things... i'll prob be mostly in boston, w/ of course more than a couple additional trips down to tx (fam, easter and sxsw). and hopefully a sprint out to D.C. as well...
jan 10-14: san antonio, tx
feb 8-10: las vegas, nv
mar 29- apr 6: geneva, switzerland
yay. i'm excited.
other than those things... i'll prob be mostly in boston, w/ of course more than a couple additional trips down to tx (fam, easter and sxsw). and hopefully a sprint out to D.C. as well...
05 January 2008
it's weird when u know its 37deg, but stepping outside is kind of refreshing and not frigid. this only happens b/c its been single digits and artic here all week long.
i like spending the afternoon wandering around the city on my own. i guess that's what boston and nyc still have on my beloved south texas. there are areas of san antonio or austin where you can wander around walking for a bit, taking in people, buildings and sights. but for me, it doesnt compare to wandering around these yankee cities for hours on a sunny afternoon. the streets are endless and all connect in interesting places, yet public transit and cabs are always near if you get bored or tired. i love it. even when its kinda chilly out, i wander.
found this sticker on my way home today. part of some tbd marketing thing, probably. still funny.
anyways, i'm confused. about stuff. big and little.
watching the debates right now, and thats a piece of my confusion. i'm def confused as to who i'm giving my one little vote to. hmm. i wish i could do negative voting instead. more useful, i bet.
ugh, i'm so not looking forward to 10 months of freaking political commercials all over my telly. gross.
i like spending the afternoon wandering around the city on my own. i guess that's what boston and nyc still have on my beloved south texas. there are areas of san antonio or austin where you can wander around walking for a bit, taking in people, buildings and sights. but for me, it doesnt compare to wandering around these yankee cities for hours on a sunny afternoon. the streets are endless and all connect in interesting places, yet public transit and cabs are always near if you get bored or tired. i love it. even when its kinda chilly out, i wander.
found this sticker on my way home today. part of some tbd marketing thing, probably. still funny.
anyways, i'm confused. about stuff. big and little.
watching the debates right now, and thats a piece of my confusion. i'm def confused as to who i'm giving my one little vote to. hmm. i wish i could do negative voting instead. more useful, i bet.
ugh, i'm so not looking forward to 10 months of freaking political commercials all over my telly. gross.
04 January 2008
stand in the place where you live
i woke up and turned on the tele to hear the morning news was that two people i will not be voting for won the dem and repub iowa caucus which was quickly followed by helicopter shots of britney spears being loaded into an ambulance in her driveway.
breaking news. hmm. i guess the presidential stuff is nationally important, i just dont agree with the outcome. and the britney stuff is usual celebrity junk.
maybe its just the 'first thing in the morning' part of it that had me annoyed.
maybe i should not watch morning shows.
breaking news. hmm. i guess the presidential stuff is nationally important, i just dont agree with the outcome. and the britney stuff is usual celebrity junk.
maybe its just the 'first thing in the morning' part of it that had me annoyed.
maybe i should not watch morning shows.
01 January 2008
and just like that
we're in the year two thousand and eight.

this is what i looked like as the year began. notice how a bit missed my mouth. freaking drunk girl.

watching the fireworks out the window.
nye was a good time. a bit of last minute madness and scrambling but my friendies pulled together and i think we all had a pretty good time. obvs i did. i make all things fun. and considering half of the people in attendance have been my roomates in the past 5 years, they make things fun too.
woke up to find my living room in dissarray but kel and i cleaned it up a bit before being subjected to a delayed icky hangover that left me passed out on the couch for the afternoon.
so. let's make it great in oh eight.
heh. lots of things rhyme w/ eight. i bet i could come up w/ a really cheesy motto for the year. i'm good at cheesy marketing schemes. its a sick, sad talent.
2008, the year to start playing it straight.
racing out of the gate in 0-8.
i could go on forever. it's sad. instead i'm going to go hang out alone in the dark and listen to pretty music.
happy new year, everyone.
this is what i looked like as the year began. notice how a bit missed my mouth. freaking drunk girl.
watching the fireworks out the window.
nye was a good time. a bit of last minute madness and scrambling but my friendies pulled together and i think we all had a pretty good time. obvs i did. i make all things fun. and considering half of the people in attendance have been my roomates in the past 5 years, they make things fun too.
woke up to find my living room in dissarray but kel and i cleaned it up a bit before being subjected to a delayed icky hangover that left me passed out on the couch for the afternoon.
so. let's make it great in oh eight.
heh. lots of things rhyme w/ eight. i bet i could come up w/ a really cheesy motto for the year. i'm good at cheesy marketing schemes. its a sick, sad talent.
2008, the year to start playing it straight.
racing out of the gate in 0-8.
i could go on forever. it's sad. instead i'm going to go hang out alone in the dark and listen to pretty music.
happy new year, everyone.
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