since i went to sleep at 7p last night, i was wide awake at 730am this morn. i always plan on getting up early on saturday to take pictures, so today i finally did it.
it was pretty mild out this morn and early enough that not too many people were out. i definitely got to see some cool stuff and take my time looking around.

while in an alley taking this awesome headshot, a guy stopped to watch me and then talk. he said he was friends with some artist and talked about a recent graffiti show called 'freight' at the store right around the corner. i had read about it somewhere, and now i'm mad i didn't check it out. it was a bunch of miniature trains painted up w/ graffiti. man. anyways, this guy was drunk (at 8am) and asked if i wanted to grab a drink w/ him at wonderbar right then. 'cos he owned the place.' sketch. it was a funny convo and i would legitimately like to talk to him, since he did know stuff/people, but not an 8am drink. no thanks.
so yeah. productive morning. then i got breakfast at mickey d's and came home to pick up the dog and take him for a walk. yosh. always entertaining.
next time i want to take a trip down to the train yards to take pictures. only i'm afraid of hobos and um, train-yard people. i might need to take someone along with me for that one...
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