i just watched the end of the spurs/lakers game on abc. i happened upon this game while flipping thru the channels. i used to be obsessed with spurs basketball, and now i dont even know the starting lineup... sadness. timmy, manu, tony...?
obviously i am lost. i love basketball, i need to watch more. and now its already going to be february, games are getting to be more important, etc. less lame tv, more basketball.
i "wrecked" my car. the rear bumper is half off b/c it got caught on my porch when i was pulling into the driveway... and i kept driving. shite. i hate it. poop.
i'm going to try and get some body estimates on tuesday. sucks. i hate spending money on my own dumbness. poop.
28 January 2007
25 January 2007
i hate seeing people i love being in such a bad place. confused and angsty and left out. and i think its even worse when i'm not able to actually see them.
i have cavities and an abscess. thats why i cant eat on my left side and it hurts all the time. my mom's annoyed i never complained to her about the pain. i was trying to handle things on my own and i ended up w/ a mouthful of cavities and an upset mom.
paragraph 2 is fact and also very relevant metaphorically to paragraph 1.
you know who: i love you a bunch and it hurts.
i have cavities and an abscess. thats why i cant eat on my left side and it hurts all the time. my mom's annoyed i never complained to her about the pain. i was trying to handle things on my own and i ended up w/ a mouthful of cavities and an upset mom.
paragraph 2 is fact and also very relevant metaphorically to paragraph 1.
you know who: i love you a bunch and it hurts.
23 January 2007
3: days til we go snow tubing (anyone else interested?)
67: total days until the end of my project
47: days until i leave for uk
42: work days left on my project
157: days until i turn 24 and thereby enter my mid 20s
ugh. quarter life crisis here i come.
future countdowns if i make decisions, take action, etc.
- texas trip
- lily allen concert
- easter
- marathon monday
- coachella
- folklife festival
- start grad school
67: total days until the end of my project
47: days until i leave for uk
42: work days left on my project
157: days until i turn 24 and thereby enter my mid 20s
ugh. quarter life crisis here i come.
future countdowns if i make decisions, take action, etc.
- texas trip
- lily allen concert
- easter
- marathon monday
- coachella
- folklife festival
- start grad school
22 January 2007
uh huh, uh huh
past weekend's festivities were fun. not the craziest party i've ever been to, by far. it was a work party, so yeah. good times w/ lobster, vodka tonics, magners and mike's. apparently i missed the guy who was wearing a suit and tie but no shirt. i did catch a girl dancing with the partner at the beirut table. that was funny and i took pictures.
coming home with evan we got lost and went to massachusetts, then back to RI, then back to MA. it was a funny winding trip but not too long.
now i'm back at the old project, sitting in my boss's desk while he's on vacay. doing some old stuff and trying to pick up new responsibilities. keep things interesting for myself.
i keep seeing graffiti i want to take pictures of. but its always when i'm driving in my car or without my camera. ugh. and its cold out so i dont feel like wandering around on foot much. so many pictures to take, so little time.
heroes tonight. it was fantastic. i love the petrelli bros. and hiro. he's excellent. tomorrow (or sometime shortly thereafter) i shall commence my 24 catchup. i know have three episodes i need to watch. eeek.
i don't know when i am going to texas next and that sort of really annoys me.
my left jaw has been hurting me for a while. i got all my wisdom teeth out a month ago. dec 21. now its jan 22. i get a shooting pain from my bottom teeth up. and it hurts to chew on that side. i think i need to go to a doctor. i'll work on finding one in boston tomorrow. having your teeth hurt really sucks.
abuelita hot chocolate is delicious.
coming home with evan we got lost and went to massachusetts, then back to RI, then back to MA. it was a funny winding trip but not too long.
now i'm back at the old project, sitting in my boss's desk while he's on vacay. doing some old stuff and trying to pick up new responsibilities. keep things interesting for myself.
i keep seeing graffiti i want to take pictures of. but its always when i'm driving in my car or without my camera. ugh. and its cold out so i dont feel like wandering around on foot much. so many pictures to take, so little time.
heroes tonight. it was fantastic. i love the petrelli bros. and hiro. he's excellent. tomorrow (or sometime shortly thereafter) i shall commence my 24 catchup. i know have three episodes i need to watch. eeek.
i don't know when i am going to texas next and that sort of really annoys me.
my left jaw has been hurting me for a while. i got all my wisdom teeth out a month ago. dec 21. now its jan 22. i get a shooting pain from my bottom teeth up. and it hurts to chew on that side. i think i need to go to a doctor. i'll work on finding one in boston tomorrow. having your teeth hurt really sucks.
abuelita hot chocolate is delicious.
21 January 2007
grad school...
i've been planning on getting my mba at UT for ages. its relatively cheap and in austin. and a good school.
only today i was wondering around the internet and found this: http://www.sothebysinstitute.com/index.html and i think i'd really like to check out one of these things. a MA in Art Business? i never even considered such a thing. it just seems so much more interesting than the regular mba route i'd been planning on. hmm... i wonder if i could pull it off.
only today i was wondering around the internet and found this: http://www.sothebysinstitute.com/index.html and i think i'd really like to check out one of these things. a MA in Art Business? i never even considered such a thing. it just seems so much more interesting than the regular mba route i'd been planning on. hmm... i wonder if i could pull it off.
19 January 2007
not out, just in
stayed in. with roommates and the puppy and ice cream from jp lick's. yum.
john mayer's blog is pretty much one of my favorite places on the internet. http://johnmayer.com/blog i can't go there too often cos it's not like he updates daily. (he is like a rockstar-ish type with a life and like... albums to work on) but he does update frequently enough to make me excited every now and then and he's usually good for a few giggles. i keep telling people about the blog, but they never look. oh well.
his latest entry is about grey's anatomy. just when i think JM is so cool, i find out he also watches grey's. geez. anyways, its about how they should make isaiah washington's charachter gay in return for him calling george the f word. a scissor sister loving dr. burke- i love it. JM even drafted a few scenes for the writers to work with. oh j.may, you crack me up.
also this month he 'invented' a pb spreading packet. for pb and honey sandwich making. there are sketches. awesome.
john mayer's blog is pretty much one of my favorite places on the internet. http://johnmayer.com/blog i can't go there too often cos it's not like he updates daily. (he is like a rockstar-ish type with a life and like... albums to work on) but he does update frequently enough to make me excited every now and then and he's usually good for a few giggles. i keep telling people about the blog, but they never look. oh well.
his latest entry is about grey's anatomy. just when i think JM is so cool, i find out he also watches grey's. geez. anyways, its about how they should make isaiah washington's charachter gay in return for him calling george the f word. a scissor sister loving dr. burke- i love it. JM even drafted a few scenes for the writers to work with. oh j.may, you crack me up.
also this month he 'invented' a pb spreading packet. for pb and honey sandwich making. there are sketches. awesome.
isn't it ironic
i have that alanis morisette song in my head. i feel a like i am living a life something like what she describes in a song. which is not exactly 'ironic' in the true sense of the word but more like a weird, awkward, neither lucky or unlucky, middle land where stuff happens that you dont agree with or prefer but must deal with none the less.
i'm going back to my project, aka iraq, on monday. i only hope that the next two months go by very smoothly and quickly even though i know they wont. i'm disappointed that i'm not going somewhere new. returning to the old. but i know in some respects its a good place to go back to. and hopefully it'll work out for the best. i'm stuck here for a reason or something, at least thats what my parents keep telling me as i call them to whine about my situation and beg them for answers they can't give me. argh. oh well.
its friday night and though i'm wearing my house uniform of sweats and a hoodie, i do plan on going out tonight. either a reunion of work folks in fenway or a masshole party somewhere in the 'burbs. rachael tried to coax me into her friends party by saying that danny from the real world might be there. i dont know if that makes me want to go more or less. and hiking in to fenway is not so arduous but its not a guarantee of fun just lots of drinking co-workers which might lead to fun or just a sick ride home. don't know.
tomorrow will be busy. i need to rest so that i can party the night away with... work people. of course. i'm sure it will be funny/fun with the slide show and gag awards. and i did spend most of oprah today adding songs to the playlist for the event. made sure that thriller and since u been gone made the cut. all the small things too. wow. i didnt notice til i typed it right now. thats like three of my most favorite songs from the '80s, '90s, and '00s right there. says a lot about me, my top 40 picks. i sure am weird, that's what it says. i also put in peggy sue, jail house rock and smack that. some for the oldies and something for the kids. :p. i hope they dont know what songs i pick cos i think some, like smack that, may be slightly inappropriate but awesome none the less. and i want to see work people dance to smack that, please.
i love my car cos it goes fast and drives nicely, especially around quick turns i decide to make at the last moment. only i also hate my car cos its all scratched and sometimes makes weird noises that embarrass me when driving down the street. i want a new car. only i dont know if i want new new or a used car. which would be a smarter investment/purchase. argh. i wish i didnt have to have a car at all. yeah. that! would be great. dangit. made myself mad about situation1 all over again. poop.
i like that my frequent use of 'poop' as a sentiment has now encouraged a number of my friends to also reference 'poop' in our IM conversations. its kinda great.
i'm going back to my project, aka iraq, on monday. i only hope that the next two months go by very smoothly and quickly even though i know they wont. i'm disappointed that i'm not going somewhere new. returning to the old. but i know in some respects its a good place to go back to. and hopefully it'll work out for the best. i'm stuck here for a reason or something, at least thats what my parents keep telling me as i call them to whine about my situation and beg them for answers they can't give me. argh. oh well.
its friday night and though i'm wearing my house uniform of sweats and a hoodie, i do plan on going out tonight. either a reunion of work folks in fenway or a masshole party somewhere in the 'burbs. rachael tried to coax me into her friends party by saying that danny from the real world might be there. i dont know if that makes me want to go more or less. and hiking in to fenway is not so arduous but its not a guarantee of fun just lots of drinking co-workers which might lead to fun or just a sick ride home. don't know.
tomorrow will be busy. i need to rest so that i can party the night away with... work people. of course. i'm sure it will be funny/fun with the slide show and gag awards. and i did spend most of oprah today adding songs to the playlist for the event. made sure that thriller and since u been gone made the cut. all the small things too. wow. i didnt notice til i typed it right now. thats like three of my most favorite songs from the '80s, '90s, and '00s right there. says a lot about me, my top 40 picks. i sure am weird, that's what it says. i also put in peggy sue, jail house rock and smack that. some for the oldies and something for the kids. :p. i hope they dont know what songs i pick cos i think some, like smack that, may be slightly inappropriate but awesome none the less. and i want to see work people dance to smack that, please.
i love my car cos it goes fast and drives nicely, especially around quick turns i decide to make at the last moment. only i also hate my car cos its all scratched and sometimes makes weird noises that embarrass me when driving down the street. i want a new car. only i dont know if i want new new or a used car. which would be a smarter investment/purchase. argh. i wish i didnt have to have a car at all. yeah. that! would be great. dangit. made myself mad about situation1 all over again. poop.
i like that my frequent use of 'poop' as a sentiment has now encouraged a number of my friends to also reference 'poop' in our IM conversations. its kinda great.
15 January 2007
nyc weekend
i needed a break from boston, even though i'd really only been there for about two weeks since returning from texas.
i drove down to brooklyn yesterday morning, in between some little rain showers and mild traffic.
without firm plans or a time schedule its been good, kirstin and i have had some time to just hang out and dow whatever. we didnt really know what we wanted to do so checked local movie listings. my friend had recomended children of men and kirstin wanted to see it to so we checked it out.
that film is amazing. from the opening sequence with the death of baby diego and the cafe bombing all the way to the end with the woman, her baby and a slumped clive owen, it was fantastic. i didn't find it hard to have this 'suspension of disbelief'. all of the horrific scenes of an apocolyptic modern world seemed actually too realistic and believable. the random bombings, media permeating with repetetive footage, the flip flops.
all of the allusions to the nativity scene, a new beginning, the holy family. so good. the camera shots were fantastic, from all the framings to the use of handheld following theo as he runs throu the fugee camp, the blood spattered camera lense viewing scenes from his vantage point and jostling about over the debris. at times during this movie i wanted to throw up and other times cry. at the end it left me kind of scared and depressed, but satisfied that it was a great movie.
going to eat dinner was hard right after so we talked about other stuff. dorky life updates and anything else that wasnt quite so depressing. pad see ew was delish as was my thai ice tea. only they spelled it pad see U. which made me laugh. we came home, drank wine and watched clerks2 which is kinda good and kinda depressing seeing people get old and all.
sunday morn woke up for a yummy berry scone on the way to mass. then into manhattan for a tour of the moma which is great, followed by a ravenous sandwich dinner and cookie finish at some cafe on 5th ave. we were so hungry. then i made kirstin go w/ me to the american girl store. it was creepy and awesome. like, wow, all this consumerism being pushed at these spoiled girls all over the store. but still. i wanted to buy most of the stuff myself to satisfy my inner 8 year old. i LOVE my samantha doll even though i probably havent seen her in more than a few years. but looking at the little displays they had at the store, seeing the mini petit fours and school desks and day beds that i'd drooled over as a child- i wanted it all! that store is gross/sweet.
then back to BK to nap and watch 24. and the little miss sunshine which i totally do not love. i was so planning on being impressed after everyone had built it up so much... but eh. its ok i guess.
now its monday and i really must return to boston. go into the office tomorrow, earn a living.
i signed up for some training, its one of those sitchs with the hardest way to make an easy living. gross. there's supposed to be icky weather all across america and i'm so not looking forward to my drive back. hope there's some wicked tunes on the radio and i'll just take it slow and steady
i drove down to brooklyn yesterday morning, in between some little rain showers and mild traffic.
without firm plans or a time schedule its been good, kirstin and i have had some time to just hang out and dow whatever. we didnt really know what we wanted to do so checked local movie listings. my friend had recomended children of men and kirstin wanted to see it to so we checked it out.
that film is amazing. from the opening sequence with the death of baby diego and the cafe bombing all the way to the end with the woman, her baby and a slumped clive owen, it was fantastic. i didn't find it hard to have this 'suspension of disbelief'. all of the horrific scenes of an apocolyptic modern world seemed actually too realistic and believable. the random bombings, media permeating with repetetive footage, the flip flops.
all of the allusions to the nativity scene, a new beginning, the holy family. so good. the camera shots were fantastic, from all the framings to the use of handheld following theo as he runs throu the fugee camp, the blood spattered camera lense viewing scenes from his vantage point and jostling about over the debris. at times during this movie i wanted to throw up and other times cry. at the end it left me kind of scared and depressed, but satisfied that it was a great movie.
going to eat dinner was hard right after so we talked about other stuff. dorky life updates and anything else that wasnt quite so depressing. pad see ew was delish as was my thai ice tea. only they spelled it pad see U. which made me laugh. we came home, drank wine and watched clerks2 which is kinda good and kinda depressing seeing people get old and all.
sunday morn woke up for a yummy berry scone on the way to mass. then into manhattan for a tour of the moma which is great, followed by a ravenous sandwich dinner and cookie finish at some cafe on 5th ave. we were so hungry. then i made kirstin go w/ me to the american girl store. it was creepy and awesome. like, wow, all this consumerism being pushed at these spoiled girls all over the store. but still. i wanted to buy most of the stuff myself to satisfy my inner 8 year old. i LOVE my samantha doll even though i probably havent seen her in more than a few years. but looking at the little displays they had at the store, seeing the mini petit fours and school desks and day beds that i'd drooled over as a child- i wanted it all! that store is gross/sweet.
then back to BK to nap and watch 24. and the little miss sunshine which i totally do not love. i was so planning on being impressed after everyone had built it up so much... but eh. its ok i guess.
now its monday and i really must return to boston. go into the office tomorrow, earn a living.
i signed up for some training, its one of those sitchs with the hardest way to make an easy living. gross. there's supposed to be icky weather all across america and i'm so not looking forward to my drive back. hope there's some wicked tunes on the radio and i'll just take it slow and steady
14 January 2007
24 day 6- 7:00 to 8:00 AM
looking for jack in some tunnels with water. not here to kill one american, here to kill thousands.
fayed stuck on looking for jack, others want to focus elsewhere. lights flashing on jacks face, oh crap they were so close!! but he's out. out of the tunnel and into daylight! morris looking at where they say assad is. not sure he's actually there. milo is skinny face. chloe mad that they sold out jack for nothing.
jack breaks into a car, his arm is still hurting like whoa. acid stains on his fingers. china must've sucked.
nadia and bill in mtg
jack calling on line 2- call off airstrike. assad not resposible for bombing. ready to explain to president that assad not it. jack hotwiring car. jack tells pres that assad is trying to stop fayed. flashing around presidents oval office people. hayes doesnt buy assad's change of heart. jack wants to stop strike. pres- switch to ground assault? bill believes jack. hayes thinks prison make jack weak and getting played. tom agrees w/ hayes. jack says capture assad first. history impact judgement? never! pres goes foward w/ airstrike against bauer? no.
bill ready to pick up jack. jack doesnt tell bill where he is. jack's going to save assad. gets direction to location and takes off. now jack has to prevent terrorist from getting killed by us govt.
white dad looking for kumar's dad. fayed calls, looking for pkgs. fayed wants kumar to retrieve package- father issues. white kid tells kumar whole world has gone crazy and he feels bad. kumar says worlds already been crazy. jack's sone offers kumar necklace for luck, kumar tells jack-son he might need luck himself one day.
plans cleared for attack on lat/long. karen hayes called bill w/ pres. 5 min to hit assad's location. confirmation of kill right after assault is complete. jack outdriving jets. parsk at location, running inside. shirt sweaty and bloody? who doesnt notice this?
sneaks in through backyard. man coming in, pile of wood and full trash cans. thumps can, man investigates, dude knocks down legswith wood stump. now he's armed and dangerous, ready to enter house. that was so mcgyver.
ppl in house on computers... doing stuff. planes locking in on target. guy comes out, jack takes back in. jack asks for assad. house full of computer stuff. showdown. jack tells assad that fayed has set him up. one of men working for fayed- which one is it? fox nmews on their television too. jack puts down gun, earns confidence. find transponder on one of their men- says assad betrayed ppl. make bauer leave his gun. 'secure the package'
make it out of the house right before strike begins. target has been destroyed, but men werent there! oh snap!
-- commercial --
assembling database of names. ray charles' girlf is here? fbi doesnt have warrant- no personnel records. nothing to hide. but something to protect. sacrifice privacy? sandra palmer, oh snap. sister of the president. curtis sending live feed to ctu showing bombing. pres wayne talks to sandra. tells him about how fbi came to get access to iaa records. invading privacy bassed on ppls religion. sandra tells wayne to check w/ tom lennox. treats constitution like list of suggestions. sandra and david dont like tom. hes a baddy. sandra kisses iaa dude.
4 bodies, none assad. how did they miss him? hayes says someone warned tom says he was never there. 10 block perimeter from bill. tom says more attacks to come.
fayed goes to meet up w/ suicide bomber. nassir dude is going to blow himself up? fayed gives death pep-talk. by overcoming fear you prove your worth. double kiss. bomb set up.
commercial - 7:26am-
bauer watching them drive uhaul away from paradyme realty house for sale. who's done packing and ready to go at 730 am?
dude is injured but knows where fayed is. american flag in window, nice touch. assad sees jacks back, gets scared. traitor boy passed out in chair. chloe sees jack and two dudes escaping. calls buchanan to tell him. makes sense for bill to jack. what does chloe do with info. bill says keep it on the DL. if jacks right then look for fayed. if wrong, tell on jack. uh oh, secrets secrets.
assad has car. jack now wearing tight cotton shirt. jack wants ctu, assad wants to do it on his terms- knows fayed. jack stabbing traitor in shoulder-dude, he doesnt know where fayed is? jack stops, can see in his eyes- not going to tell. assad takes knife into guy's knee- traitor gives up where men are- meeting after assad is killed. torturing in front of american flag. assad kills guy while telling him he understands. in front of flag. jack feels sympathy for tortured dude?
assad needs help. jack 'i dont know how to do this anymore' assad- 'you'll remember.'
- commercial-
fbi back for records w/ warrant. sandra's not happy. shes copying files - or blanking them out while hes pulling them up. oh snap! sandras a smarty hacker girl. HAHAHA. she shred up the files. fbi arresting for obstructing business and destroying evidence. they arrest the dude too. impounding all hardware in office.
kumar banging package out of wall while crazy white fuy is coming to the door. kicks down kumar. throws kumar around. oh geez. lots of throwing and beating up. breaking glass and stuff. kumar takes out gun and shoots the dude in the leg. kills white guy. kumar has piece of glass in his leg. jack-son comes in. sees dead guy and kumar w/ blood. call an ambulance? kumar pulls gun on jack-son (scott?).
jack and assad in car. assad id'ing suicide bombers. jack and assad jump out of toyota echo (?) to go and catch the dudes. dudes went into subway. ppl use subway in la?
bomber dude is kinda of hott. so is the briefcase- it's the shaved head. bauer sees them, doesnt follow- stays back to assess sitch. one gets on train one is handler. assad gets handler, bauer after bomber. assad following bald handler who calls fayed.
briefcase on the train, bauer too. jack talks to ticket agent, scares him. bomber notices ppl moving, about to ignite. super fight at the end of the train. jack versus dude, exposes bomb. jack kicks him off train before bomb goes off... he saves the day! second bomb averted, hour 2. bald calls fayed to tell him somethings off, fayed says no big cos other attacks were successful.
hayes tells pres palmer that fayed talked to bombers- jack was right. dont they all feel stupid now. 'this is gonna get much worse'.
jack and assad following handler looking for fayed.
fayed stuck on looking for jack, others want to focus elsewhere. lights flashing on jacks face, oh crap they were so close!! but he's out. out of the tunnel and into daylight! morris looking at where they say assad is. not sure he's actually there. milo is skinny face. chloe mad that they sold out jack for nothing.
jack breaks into a car, his arm is still hurting like whoa. acid stains on his fingers. china must've sucked.
nadia and bill in mtg
jack calling on line 2- call off airstrike. assad not resposible for bombing. ready to explain to president that assad not it. jack hotwiring car. jack tells pres that assad is trying to stop fayed. flashing around presidents oval office people. hayes doesnt buy assad's change of heart. jack wants to stop strike. pres- switch to ground assault? bill believes jack. hayes thinks prison make jack weak and getting played. tom agrees w/ hayes. jack says capture assad first. history impact judgement? never! pres goes foward w/ airstrike against bauer? no.
bill ready to pick up jack. jack doesnt tell bill where he is. jack's going to save assad. gets direction to location and takes off. now jack has to prevent terrorist from getting killed by us govt.
white dad looking for kumar's dad. fayed calls, looking for pkgs. fayed wants kumar to retrieve package- father issues. white kid tells kumar whole world has gone crazy and he feels bad. kumar says worlds already been crazy. jack's sone offers kumar necklace for luck, kumar tells jack-son he might need luck himself one day.
plans cleared for attack on lat/long. karen hayes called bill w/ pres. 5 min to hit assad's location. confirmation of kill right after assault is complete. jack outdriving jets. parsk at location, running inside. shirt sweaty and bloody? who doesnt notice this?
sneaks in through backyard. man coming in, pile of wood and full trash cans. thumps can, man investigates, dude knocks down legswith wood stump. now he's armed and dangerous, ready to enter house. that was so mcgyver.
ppl in house on computers... doing stuff. planes locking in on target. guy comes out, jack takes back in. jack asks for assad. house full of computer stuff. showdown. jack tells assad that fayed has set him up. one of men working for fayed- which one is it? fox nmews on their television too. jack puts down gun, earns confidence. find transponder on one of their men- says assad betrayed ppl. make bauer leave his gun. 'secure the package'
make it out of the house right before strike begins. target has been destroyed, but men werent there! oh snap!
-- commercial --
assembling database of names. ray charles' girlf is here? fbi doesnt have warrant- no personnel records. nothing to hide. but something to protect. sacrifice privacy? sandra palmer, oh snap. sister of the president. curtis sending live feed to ctu showing bombing. pres wayne talks to sandra. tells him about how fbi came to get access to iaa records. invading privacy bassed on ppls religion. sandra tells wayne to check w/ tom lennox. treats constitution like list of suggestions. sandra and david dont like tom. hes a baddy. sandra kisses iaa dude.
4 bodies, none assad. how did they miss him? hayes says someone warned tom says he was never there. 10 block perimeter from bill. tom says more attacks to come.
fayed goes to meet up w/ suicide bomber. nassir dude is going to blow himself up? fayed gives death pep-talk. by overcoming fear you prove your worth. double kiss. bomb set up.
commercial - 7:26am-
bauer watching them drive uhaul away from paradyme realty house for sale. who's done packing and ready to go at 730 am?
dude is injured but knows where fayed is. american flag in window, nice touch. assad sees jacks back, gets scared. traitor boy passed out in chair. chloe sees jack and two dudes escaping. calls buchanan to tell him. makes sense for bill to jack. what does chloe do with info. bill says keep it on the DL. if jacks right then look for fayed. if wrong, tell on jack. uh oh, secrets secrets.
assad has car. jack now wearing tight cotton shirt. jack wants ctu, assad wants to do it on his terms- knows fayed. jack stabbing traitor in shoulder-dude, he doesnt know where fayed is? jack stops, can see in his eyes- not going to tell. assad takes knife into guy's knee- traitor gives up where men are- meeting after assad is killed. torturing in front of american flag. assad kills guy while telling him he understands. in front of flag. jack feels sympathy for tortured dude?
assad needs help. jack 'i dont know how to do this anymore' assad- 'you'll remember.'
- commercial-
fbi back for records w/ warrant. sandra's not happy. shes copying files - or blanking them out while hes pulling them up. oh snap! sandras a smarty hacker girl. HAHAHA. she shred up the files. fbi arresting for obstructing business and destroying evidence. they arrest the dude too. impounding all hardware in office.
kumar banging package out of wall while crazy white fuy is coming to the door. kicks down kumar. throws kumar around. oh geez. lots of throwing and beating up. breaking glass and stuff. kumar takes out gun and shoots the dude in the leg. kills white guy. kumar has piece of glass in his leg. jack-son comes in. sees dead guy and kumar w/ blood. call an ambulance? kumar pulls gun on jack-son (scott?).
jack and assad in car. assad id'ing suicide bombers. jack and assad jump out of toyota echo (?) to go and catch the dudes. dudes went into subway. ppl use subway in la?
bomber dude is kinda of hott. so is the briefcase- it's the shaved head. bauer sees them, doesnt follow- stays back to assess sitch. one gets on train one is handler. assad gets handler, bauer after bomber. assad following bald handler who calls fayed.
briefcase on the train, bauer too. jack talks to ticket agent, scares him. bomber notices ppl moving, about to ignite. super fight at the end of the train. jack versus dude, exposes bomb. jack kicks him off train before bomb goes off... he saves the day! second bomb averted, hour 2. bald calls fayed to tell him somethings off, fayed says no big cos other attacks were successful.
hayes tells pres palmer that fayed talked to bombers- jack was right. dont they all feel stupid now. 'this is gonna get much worse'.
jack and assad following handler looking for fayed.
24 day 6- 6:00 to 7:00 AM
middle eastern looking man not let on bus. 'i deserve it too!' bus drives away and then blows up.
internment camps already in place- everyone who prays toward mecca candidate for camps?!?
wayne palmer is pres, anti camps- thats good.
assad- who they are after, have no idea where he is.
new hot latina character working in ctu. of course. like his drug girlf from a few years back.
chloe annoyed that jack is back and no one told her. also akward with old flame sexually harrassing her in the office. weird.
very hairy jack comes off the chinese plane. chinese guy says jack hasnt spoken a word in two years- or shaved apparently.
update on current sitch: 11 weeks, 17 weeks- terrorist attacks. assad worth 25M plus jack bauer dead.
eeek! sacrifice jack? go at it alone. not used to talking. SPIT IT OUT. audrey. daughter. no one knows hes back. he wants it to stay that way.
jack can see behind him and tells curtis he doesnt need firearm. wants to clean up. reminicent of gi jane shaving scene as he looks into mirror.
battle wounds, skinny and scars. broken jack? oh no!
-commercial break- 6:13 PM
6:19 PM
security chick(hayes?) fingers ring while talking to bill ctu man. they miss eachother.
threat level is red after la bus bomb.
chloe talks to nadia. wants info on jack. threatens with blackmail to get info, jack is important to her. fayed contacted ctu to give info and had demands including jack. fayed's bro died while jack was interrogating. deliver jack to terrorists to be killed? chloe- why cant just rescue jack after. fayed has full access to ctu intelligence, cant save jack. chloe calling karen hayes, but hayes already knows, pres palmer authorized. jack bauer sacrifice for attacks to stop.
chloes depressed and british exboyf is stalking/worried. calls her. skinny face wants info. chloe tells morris about jack.
jack is shaved and clean in car w/ bill. pres calls. jack in lala land. pres palmer talks to jack- knows jack has already sacrificed so much for country. measure of desparation- ppl afraid to leave homes. buchanan already explained, jack knows whats expected. steel face- sacrifice not in vain. pres palmer2 isnt confident to be leader of country. irrelevant- already president, lead country if want to or not.
nat'l guard setting up detention centers across the country. hayes angry that allimcbeal boy (tom) is already setting up centers. aclu already filing complaints b/c bureau already has to much authority. 'security has its price.'
fayed watching, giving bauer over. bill is angry. handcuff jack to grate? jack- do it.
"do you understand the difference between dying for something and dying for nothing. i didnt want to die for nothing. today, i can die for something. my way, my choice. to be honest with you, it will be a relief." oh jack. dont cry bill! go! bill and curtis walk away.
-commerical. the blackjack commercials are so hot, shuffling cards and devices. cool.-
6:36 back
culver city bombing of mosque.
guy doesnt want his kid to go to school. 'nothing normal is happening here'
justjack's kid. his friends dad is getting arrested. kumar's dad. police are taking him away in car. people watching. run in after him. ahmed = kumar? white guys tell ahmed to get out of their neighborhood while banging on the door. kick door down. boy wants to help his friend. dad will go outside and talk. police are scared, arresting people. 'want him, coming thru me'. lame. guy backs off, this isnt over... ahmed should stay at their house til things blow over.
bill calls nadia. helicopters ready to attack anywhere w/in 20 minutes. waiting for location. nadia tells bill she told chloe. brit-morris hacking to get visual on jack. access to sattelite off gov't grid. afghanistan contract work. find out where bill left jack.
van coming at jack attached to grate. dudes jump out. unhook him from grate, fayed 'i've been waiting for this for a long time'. slap his face and throw jack in the van. fayed gets call from dude on phone. found camera pointing at his sector. they're calling ctu to say someones watching them no govt supposed to be watching fayed. uh-oh. redirect in 30 seconds. chloe's the one doing it. morris re-directed. deception - now fayed not definitely giving direction. nadia asks in arabic- why not? shes muslim not latina- what?
bill is so mad. chloe says fire me. bill says he needs manpower. doesnt want to look at bill. dont think you're the only one mourning jack. sacrifice jack for nothing.
comercial - 6:46pm
no news on assad. hayes mad at bill. who let chloe do renegade opp? all stressed. drama.
fayed's surveilance crew. dragging jack along. money being transfered, waiting to call ctu. carry jack into torture chamber. punch jack and put him in chair.
monitoring pulse. pulling out knives. 'feel what my brother felt. i know how he died. i know what you did to him.'
knife in shoulder. then pour acid, ow! this is so gross. jack tells them to give assad's location. fayed says assad has begun talking about compromise and negotiation. assad is a traitor. ctu is going to kill the wrong man. stab jack from the back with long stick?!?!
tells jack he will die for nothing. uh oh- wrong words. jack listening in to coordinates.
fayed calls ctu. has transponder at assads location. gives lat/long of assad. location in englewood. engle-woooood! chloe crying while watching. morris sneaks up. if stops attacks, for greater good. chloe hugs morris.
fayed about to cut off one of jacks fingers. call for fayed, not yet. kumar calls fayed to say fbi took his father. father innocent, but kumar is part of it. bauer's heart stops. guy comes to check on him. bauer kills guy w/ vampire attack to neck. gets keys and unlocks himself.
kumar boy on phone w/ fayed and jack's son asks if all is well.
fayed comes into room and finds dead guard on floor and jack missing. see jack in shadows while fayed yells at his men.
jack bauer is back.
internment camps already in place- everyone who prays toward mecca candidate for camps?!?
wayne palmer is pres, anti camps- thats good.
assad- who they are after, have no idea where he is.
new hot latina character working in ctu. of course. like his drug girlf from a few years back.
chloe annoyed that jack is back and no one told her. also akward with old flame sexually harrassing her in the office. weird.
very hairy jack comes off the chinese plane. chinese guy says jack hasnt spoken a word in two years- or shaved apparently.
update on current sitch: 11 weeks, 17 weeks- terrorist attacks. assad worth 25M plus jack bauer dead.
eeek! sacrifice jack? go at it alone. not used to talking. SPIT IT OUT. audrey. daughter. no one knows hes back. he wants it to stay that way.
jack can see behind him and tells curtis he doesnt need firearm. wants to clean up. reminicent of gi jane shaving scene as he looks into mirror.
battle wounds, skinny and scars. broken jack? oh no!
-commercial break- 6:13 PM
6:19 PM
security chick(hayes?) fingers ring while talking to bill ctu man. they miss eachother.
threat level is red after la bus bomb.
chloe talks to nadia. wants info on jack. threatens with blackmail to get info, jack is important to her. fayed contacted ctu to give info and had demands including jack. fayed's bro died while jack was interrogating. deliver jack to terrorists to be killed? chloe- why cant just rescue jack after. fayed has full access to ctu intelligence, cant save jack. chloe calling karen hayes, but hayes already knows, pres palmer authorized. jack bauer sacrifice for attacks to stop.
chloes depressed and british exboyf is stalking/worried. calls her. skinny face wants info. chloe tells morris about jack.
jack is shaved and clean in car w/ bill. pres calls. jack in lala land. pres palmer talks to jack- knows jack has already sacrificed so much for country. measure of desparation- ppl afraid to leave homes. buchanan already explained, jack knows whats expected. steel face- sacrifice not in vain. pres palmer2 isnt confident to be leader of country. irrelevant- already president, lead country if want to or not.
nat'l guard setting up detention centers across the country. hayes angry that allimcbeal boy (tom) is already setting up centers. aclu already filing complaints b/c bureau already has to much authority. 'security has its price.'
fayed watching, giving bauer over. bill is angry. handcuff jack to grate? jack- do it.
"do you understand the difference between dying for something and dying for nothing. i didnt want to die for nothing. today, i can die for something. my way, my choice. to be honest with you, it will be a relief." oh jack. dont cry bill! go! bill and curtis walk away.
-commerical. the blackjack commercials are so hot, shuffling cards and devices. cool.-
6:36 back
culver city bombing of mosque.
guy doesnt want his kid to go to school. 'nothing normal is happening here'
justjack's kid. his friends dad is getting arrested. kumar's dad. police are taking him away in car. people watching. run in after him. ahmed = kumar? white guys tell ahmed to get out of their neighborhood while banging on the door. kick door down. boy wants to help his friend. dad will go outside and talk. police are scared, arresting people. 'want him, coming thru me'. lame. guy backs off, this isnt over... ahmed should stay at their house til things blow over.
bill calls nadia. helicopters ready to attack anywhere w/in 20 minutes. waiting for location. nadia tells bill she told chloe. brit-morris hacking to get visual on jack. access to sattelite off gov't grid. afghanistan contract work. find out where bill left jack.
van coming at jack attached to grate. dudes jump out. unhook him from grate, fayed 'i've been waiting for this for a long time'. slap his face and throw jack in the van. fayed gets call from dude on phone. found camera pointing at his sector. they're calling ctu to say someones watching them no govt supposed to be watching fayed. uh-oh. redirect in 30 seconds. chloe's the one doing it. morris re-directed. deception - now fayed not definitely giving direction. nadia asks in arabic- why not? shes muslim not latina- what?
bill is so mad. chloe says fire me. bill says he needs manpower. doesnt want to look at bill. dont think you're the only one mourning jack. sacrifice jack for nothing.
comercial - 6:46pm
no news on assad. hayes mad at bill. who let chloe do renegade opp? all stressed. drama.
fayed's surveilance crew. dragging jack along. money being transfered, waiting to call ctu. carry jack into torture chamber. punch jack and put him in chair.
monitoring pulse. pulling out knives. 'feel what my brother felt. i know how he died. i know what you did to him.'
knife in shoulder. then pour acid, ow! this is so gross. jack tells them to give assad's location. fayed says assad has begun talking about compromise and negotiation. assad is a traitor. ctu is going to kill the wrong man. stab jack from the back with long stick?!?!
tells jack he will die for nothing. uh oh- wrong words. jack listening in to coordinates.
fayed calls ctu. has transponder at assads location. gives lat/long of assad. location in englewood. engle-woooood! chloe crying while watching. morris sneaks up. if stops attacks, for greater good. chloe hugs morris.
fayed about to cut off one of jacks fingers. call for fayed, not yet. kumar calls fayed to say fbi took his father. father innocent, but kumar is part of it. bauer's heart stops. guy comes to check on him. bauer kills guy w/ vampire attack to neck. gets keys and unlocks himself.
kumar boy on phone w/ fayed and jack's son asks if all is well.
fayed comes into room and finds dead guard on floor and jack missing. see jack in shadows while fayed yells at his men.
jack bauer is back.
11 January 2007
how bad is it when three people have individually compared the situation in iraq and bush's 'send more troops' idea to my current project. and compared bush to our head boss.
yeah. not encouraging.
i'm out tomorrow. last day. sad and all cos i totally dig the kids i work with. but an iraqi quagmire? dont know.
yeah. not encouraging.
i'm out tomorrow. last day. sad and all cos i totally dig the kids i work with. but an iraqi quagmire? dont know.
09 January 2007
stencil to skin- i want.

i've wanted a tattoo for pretty much ever. i want the lone star. i wanted it on my wrist but thats not very pc. and ankles are whack. foot? professional?
dont know.
then, in mid december during one of my banksy photo searches i came across the girl with a heart balloon that is one of his wall stencils. most of his stuff is controversial and irreverent, which is why i like him so much. this one just seems so sweet. i love it. i've made it my desktop wall paper and i already told my brother that that's what i want tattooed on me.
tonight i'm watching miami ink on tlc (i love ami, as i love all bald men...) and this girl was getting tattooed on her side and i thought, hmm, that's a good spot. i like it. that's where i want to get my banksy balloon girl. then, i decided to do a google search, just to see who else out there has gotten a banksy tattoo. and wouldn't you know it, i found two of them. so i definitely wont be the first. (the girl on the bottom got hers sometime in 2005 and the guy in dec 2006) but i still like it. and now i've seen it proven on skin. hmmm...

06 January 2007
sunny saturday
last night my roomate, iska, and i watched the last 5 or 6 episodes of season 5 of queer as folk. it was so dramatic. i was so tired, but we couldn't quit. some of the eps were lame, but the last ones had us on the edge of our seats, trying not to vom up our sushi dinners.
our house has been on quite the queer as folk- watching spree lately. it reminds me of freshman year at bc when we all crowded on natalie's bed to watch season 1 during finals week. only now daniel's not here to squeal and say, 'oh my!'. haha. qaf fun, where the dancing cowboys in the intros never get old and brian kinney is the hottest man not interested in the ladies.
it was toasty warm out in boston today. sunny too. got me all happy and motivated. i woke up at 830am. i did 5 (!) loads of laundry this morning while watching cartoons and then alfie. man, jude is SO cute. i know he's balding, whatever. then i went to they gym, and then target and then washed my car(!). so productive. then i came home, showered and slept. you can't expect too much out of me.
my productivity today was mostly centered around doing stuff in watertown, as that is where my gym is. (my gym that i have been to a total of 3 times in the last 3 months) at the gym today, lots of cute boys to watch work out and smile at. then i went to target (all sweaty and gross) hoping i would not run into anyone i know. most of the people in target on a saturday afternoon are in couples, but i managed to get hit on 2x, once by a very chatty fellow in the checkout line. then i went to get gas and had a convo w/ the guy gassing up his car next to mine. cute boys at the gym, cute boys at target, cute boys at the gas station. whoa! watertown is an untapped resource and apparently a great place to meet boys. more wholesome than my skinny indie boys of harvard ave. i should go to the gym and target more often i think. :p
our house has been on quite the queer as folk- watching spree lately. it reminds me of freshman year at bc when we all crowded on natalie's bed to watch season 1 during finals week. only now daniel's not here to squeal and say, 'oh my!'. haha. qaf fun, where the dancing cowboys in the intros never get old and brian kinney is the hottest man not interested in the ladies.
it was toasty warm out in boston today. sunny too. got me all happy and motivated. i woke up at 830am. i did 5 (!) loads of laundry this morning while watching cartoons and then alfie. man, jude is SO cute. i know he's balding, whatever. then i went to they gym, and then target and then washed my car(!). so productive. then i came home, showered and slept. you can't expect too much out of me.
my productivity today was mostly centered around doing stuff in watertown, as that is where my gym is. (my gym that i have been to a total of 3 times in the last 3 months) at the gym today, lots of cute boys to watch work out and smile at. then i went to target (all sweaty and gross) hoping i would not run into anyone i know. most of the people in target on a saturday afternoon are in couples, but i managed to get hit on 2x, once by a very chatty fellow in the checkout line. then i went to get gas and had a convo w/ the guy gassing up his car next to mine. cute boys at the gym, cute boys at target, cute boys at the gas station. whoa! watertown is an untapped resource and apparently a great place to meet boys. more wholesome than my skinny indie boys of harvard ave. i should go to the gym and target more often i think. :p
05 January 2007
friday! and warm out!
its weird how ppl are so excited about this whole global warming scene we've got going on. its 60 degrees out in boston at the start of january. weird. al gore and his powerpoint presentation are totally on everyone's mind. eek.
i'm excited. and freaked out. at the same time.
its friday afternoon and i still am not sure what my 2 week away future holds. signs are pointing towards san francisco. and talking about it so much with various people definitely pretty much has me convinced that this would be a great opportunity. i'm basically, totally sold on the prospect of trying out the west coast for a bit. now i'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for someone to tell me, JK- YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE... in which case i'll be sad again and basically back to square one. i really hope that doesnt happen.
i am currently obsessed w/ lily allen. i got over her for a while, but now i'm so back on. listen to lily at home and a british accented audio book in the car to and from work. i'm really on brit overload.
anyways. perhaps i'll feel more like writing about something more interesting that my quarterlife-semi-weekly-crises this weekend. perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
i'm excited. and freaked out. at the same time.
its friday afternoon and i still am not sure what my 2 week away future holds. signs are pointing towards san francisco. and talking about it so much with various people definitely pretty much has me convinced that this would be a great opportunity. i'm basically, totally sold on the prospect of trying out the west coast for a bit. now i'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for someone to tell me, JK- YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE... in which case i'll be sad again and basically back to square one. i really hope that doesnt happen.
i am currently obsessed w/ lily allen. i got over her for a while, but now i'm so back on. listen to lily at home and a british accented audio book in the car to and from work. i'm really on brit overload.
anyways. perhaps i'll feel more like writing about something more interesting that my quarterlife-semi-weekly-crises this weekend. perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
03 January 2007
the end is nigh...
today i found out for (almost) certain that my role on the project that i have been working on for almost a year and a half will be over. 17 months almost to the day. originally it was supposed to be right under 12 months.
those 5 extra months have been killer and are one of the huge reasons i am so excited/ready to leave. these last 4-5 months have been stressful and boring at the same time. working weird hours and doing route tasks for so long have an overwhelmingly draining effect. even though i've worked almost no overtime in this last phase, i still am 10x more drained now than i was when we were routinely working 12 hour days 8 months ago. funny how that works.
anyways, now i'm looking for something new which could or could not drastically change my living situation, my travel abilities, my overall happiness... right now its all opportunity for greatness and abyssmal failure... hopefully i can have something figured out by the end of this week. and definitely by the end of next...
i dont like having open holes in my life plan. i need to know what's next so i dont freak out or stress more than neccessary. so yeah... next few days will require some action. dang it. i much prefer days of inaction and laziness... ha. right. ok.
those 5 extra months have been killer and are one of the huge reasons i am so excited/ready to leave. these last 4-5 months have been stressful and boring at the same time. working weird hours and doing route tasks for so long have an overwhelmingly draining effect. even though i've worked almost no overtime in this last phase, i still am 10x more drained now than i was when we were routinely working 12 hour days 8 months ago. funny how that works.
anyways, now i'm looking for something new which could or could not drastically change my living situation, my travel abilities, my overall happiness... right now its all opportunity for greatness and abyssmal failure... hopefully i can have something figured out by the end of this week. and definitely by the end of next...
i dont like having open holes in my life plan. i need to know what's next so i dont freak out or stress more than neccessary. so yeah... next few days will require some action. dang it. i much prefer days of inaction and laziness... ha. right. ok.
01 January 2007
happy new year

and so it begins.
we (iska, rach and i) rang in the new year at a house party in somerville. we drank and danced and ate cookies.
it wasn't very dramatic or fancy. i didn't know most of the people in attendance. but it was fun and we made it home safely and that's what is important.
i may have moved a total of 40 feet today but no big. starting tomorrow- action!

1. spend more time with family
2. get involved
3. volunteer
4. move to texas
5. get ready for grad school
6. shop less
7. stay in better contact w/ my friends
8. read more books, papers and magazines
9. see more films
10. waste less time on the internet
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