19 September 2007

knows me to well

i have been carrying around a borders gift card for a while and i finally decided to use it to make a little musical purchase or two last night. i bought two new cds.

on the drive back to my hotel i called my brother. 'guess what new cd i'm listening to?' he guessed m.i.a - which was wrong. only cos that is the cd that was still unopened on my passenger seat. 'young love' was his second guess. totally right. took two guesses, but he guessed correctly and knew exactly what i'd bought. i'm so predictable and he knows me so well. and out of all the bands this weekend, i think those were the two favorites for which i did not already own the cds or mp3s for.

and now. purchased and on repeat in my car. excellent. this weekend the baby will have his own copy of each.

17 September 2007

we came to rock

so, ACL was this past weekend. austin city limits festival 2007.

my brother and i went. he's turning 20 in a week... this is an early gift. and the weekend guaranteed i got to spend some q.t. with my baby during his last bit as a teenager.

3 days spent in the company of david as well as assorted UT kids, old tamster friends, a couple of cousins and 60k other people. and you know... some rock bands.

for posterity's sake and in case anyone cares, below is who i saw. i sat for sets ranging between 20 minutes from far away in a field for pete yorn on friday afternoon to the full MUSE show, packed tightly about a hundred feet from the stage near a mosh pit on saturday night. my favorites are star'd. overall, friday was my favorite day - possibly because it ended with blueberry pancakes... but muse was my favorite show. for sure.

pete yorn
peter bjorn and john*
joss stone**
gotan project
kaiser chiefs
the killers

kevin devine*
young love**
dax riggs
paolo nutini*
cold war kids*
stephen marley
artic monkeys*

yo la tengo*
the national*
ben kweller
grace potter
bloc party
rose hill drive
regina spektor
ghostland observatory*
bob dylan

so my dad picked us up on barton springs, drove me home to san antonio by 12am and i got back in the car at 430am to drive to the airport. and now i'm in boston. clean of any lingering sweat or zilker park dirt, but still bearing my acl mark in the huge amount of sunburn across my back and down my arms.

ah. it was a very good weekend. and now i am pooped.

13 September 2007

i heart interpol

went to interpol concert tonight. it was fantastic. (sidenote- agganis sells beer. bc's conte forum does not. this was so strange/great to me.)


interpol. i love them. i LOVE daniel's dancing. i LOVE pauls voice. and carlos. kills me. KILLS me. i dont know why.

seeing them rock makes me happy and dance-y. i just bop around, smiling while they sing about stabbing necks and 200 couches and how the subway- she is a porno. I LOVE IT/THEM/TONIGHT. 'twas great. i called at least 4 ppl to let them listen in. if i could dial annatudor in scotland without spending a million dollars in phone bills- i would have called her too, to share in my poppy boppy rocky joy.

stella was the final song. nyc before that. perfect ending. really.


this is a great kickoff for my musical week. interpol was the one band that from the announcement of the initial ACL lineup that i was really sad about not being on the list. and now i got to see them anyways. a few extra bucks but a musical thirst has been quenched. i've gotten my interpol fix for now. now i can focus on the other bands.

which i am so excited about.

3 days of possibly rainy rocking out in zilker park. i have rainboots and a poncho. i can deal - for sure.

and now i may have tix to a few after-shows.

grizzly bear. YAY.

and some highschool reunions with old friends. and some quality brother time. and hopefully even a cousin sighting or two. (i have a lot of cousins).

it will be grand. good old austin city limits. here i come. posi thoughts from here on forward.

12 September 2007

good times ahead.

interpol tonight at bu. i've seen interpol only in boston, mostly on landsdowne. it's been a few years, but the tradition continues.

i'm kinda sad that miss AT will not be here with me. i'm pretty sure i've only ever been to interpol shows with her. from bill's bar to avalon.

and now the nyc boys in agganis. cool too see how the size of venues has increased... in the past 6 years. i have a feeling i will not get to stand back to back with daniel kessler this time around. dangit.


then i fly down to SAT on thursday night. rest and then drive up to ATX on friday morning. a little picnic at UT and then ACLLLLLLLL time. finally. 3 or 4 months of buildup and now it's finally time. 3 days of music and the company of my baby brother and the texas sun.

unfortch, two of my fave acts will not be there due to basically nervous break downs and drug addictions. amy and meg. winehouse and whitestripes are off the lineup. sucks. a lot.

obvs i still have a lot to look forward to... muse, arcade fire, artic monkeys, spoon etc BJORK etc BOB DYLAN, etc etc... and all the other bands i've never heard of and soon might love. but still. i have weird addiction to music probs and amy winehouse has basically been on repeat for quite a while for me. then all the drama. but i was like, that's ok. it'll be the WHITE STRIPES. who are so rocking. raconteurs were one of my favs of last year and jack is back for more! this time w/ meg! only. eh. nope. i wish raconteurs would replace the white stripes place on the billing. then at least i could have jack and brendan. hmmph.

ACL!! in 2 days!!

really. i am excited. in case you couldn't tell.

PAUL BANKS! TONIGHT! PROBABLY IN A SUIT! yeah. i'm excited for interpol too. good times ahead indeed

11 September 2007


6th anniversary of 9/11. america's greatest single tragedy of modern times. and an important piece in the way america stands today.

iraq. partisan divide. country divide.

just the way the day is named and referenced - "nine eleven" - is so intrinsically american. only we report the days that way. it is our 'event', something that crosses the divides and everyone can feel sadness for, its just that the sadness has been transformed into different things - which has in turn initiated and ignited subsequent problems in our country.

fear. desire for vengeance. surprise. remorse. regret. anger. disillusionment.

all kinds of things for all sorts of americans. but mostly, especially on the anniversary, it's the sadness that has stuck.

04 September 2007

and back again

i was in san antonio for less than 12 hours. but i got to have some of my grandma's fresh tortillas and meet bunny, my family's newest pet. also got to hang with momma and gram.

great to see them, if only for a few hours.

the flight back sucked but eh, what can u do. i signed up for this.

sleeping in a hotel tonight. no roomates to chat with and make fun of dumb tv with and no yoshi to pet and chase around the house. boo. miss that roommate life already.

03 September 2007

almost home

my dad and i have been on the road since early saturday morning. we're a little over 2/3 of the way home. crossing the texas border soon. yay!

my dad said he's not tired of riding in the car with me, but he is tired of riding in the car with my stuff.

i am too.

almost home!!