31 December 2006
eve of the new year
everyone who knows me knows i like to attempt to be a non-conformist. and how i'm a complete procastinator. maybe i'll come up with something by the end of next week.
its time for me to start getting ready for whatever fun will turn up tonight.
30 December 2006
it's halftime in the UT/iowa alamo bowl. which i'm watching in my room happily. colt mccoy is SUCH a small baby quarterback. sweed is so money, walking off the field w/ his horns held hight. watching bowl games is more fun than regular season. that whole 'last chance' thing.
anyways. it's mofo cold here in boston. first snow (i've seen this season) today which was so nice and pretty and light. i didnt even mind having to drive around in it. pretty. and now its all melted and i just really hope it doesnt turn into black ice for my 5am drive out tomorrow morning cos that would suck.
now, time for some abuelita hot chocolate and a couple of advils.
29 December 2006
back in the bean
i flew home last week. and by home i mean, i went to
home was good. hanging with my momma and baby and daddy 99% of the time. saw grams and gramps and aunts and uncles and cousins galore. it was good to see people i hadn't seen in ages. i love my family cos they're so familiar and we all resemble each other physically and but also we're all so very different. family is awesome like that.
thursday i got my wisdom teeth pulled out. i was loopy and on drugs the rest of the day and the next. then saturday and sunday i was in pain. i cried a lot and my mom rubbed my back and my brother brought me salt water and daddy gave me jello.
feliz navidad
christmas eve was good. after a childrens mass w/o fr. francis, we visited jourdanton and saw all my mom's clan. there were so many yummies. turkey and 2 kinds of ham and pies and sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy and everything. i could only eat the mushy stuff and even then my mouth hurt like whoa and i was drugged up.
christmas morning we visited grandpa and in the evening mommy daddy davey and i went to mass in i love that church. the fact that it was the 275th christmas mass celebrated in that building. and the archbishop of san anto was the celebrant. and the incense all around. and that i saw the burial place of bowie and other alamo heroes right before in the entry way. it was great and i'm glad we went there. i love christmas mass, even when its bilingual and i dont catch all the spanish parts. then leaving as we exited downtown we saw all the christmas lights on the church and all around- so pretty and so
after mass, on our drive home, we noticed that sonic was open so we went and got grub. i got a chili dog. and cherry limeade. man i love those things too.
the rest of my time home was spent hanging out, sleeping, crying in pain, and then hanging out some more. it was not as great as most only because i couldn't eat all the delicious things i love but there was so much lovely family time and hugs and kisses that it was all fabulous anyways.
and then
i flew back to rachael tonight in our cold living room. watching this texas high school football special on dateline. it brings back memories of my early childhood in jourdanton. Where our fridays were spent on the field and i wore red and white all the time. goooo indians!
I have to go to work at 6 am again tomorrow. and then again on sunday. on new years eve i have to work. grrreat. at least i get monday off. thank goodness.
19 December 2006
back to the future
christmas in less than a week.
texas by noon tomorrow.
new years in two weeks. dont know where i'll be yet. which is annoying/interesting... what's depressing is the fact that its almost 2007. so disgusting how time flies. disgustingly depressing.